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Articles, tagged with "jawline", page 1

02nd May 2013

Double Chin Exercises To Transform A Hanging Jawline and Reduce Your Double Chin

If you've got fat cheeks or perhaps a double chin that affects your self-assuredness negatively, chin exercises can provide help to tone the muscles of the face and jowl to wipe out your double chin. Facial firming exercise is almost certainly one o...

04th August 2011

Choosing a perfect wigs

More and more people use wigs nowadays other than the stars. Just like the bag, pump and clothes, wigs turn into a new fashion variety. Just before you choose a wigs you should know certain things clearly. One is how many different types of wigs could...

08th June 2011

Considering a facelift?

A facelift is a surgical procedure designed to lift and correct the sagging in the face that occurs as a result of aging. Not every patient sees the same problems in their face and so the facelift family of procedures needs to be tailored to the patient’s...

09th May 2011

Less Round Jaw with Botox

When you think of botox, usually things like Crow's Feet or worry lines are the first to come to mind. What about the word jaw? Does that ring a bell when you hear botox? A new use for Botox has been introduced to help with the appearance of one's ja...

09th May 2011

Painless Jaw Reduction: Now Possible with Botox

A new and exciting use for Botox, the wildly popular wrinkle relief, has been introduced to help with the appearance of one's jaw line. Sure, a masculine jawline can be highly desirable to male patients, but many female patients are seeking a more feminiz...

21st April 2011

Tips To Make Your Face Appear More Youthful

As they grow older, many women find themselves faced with a difficult puzzle; should they begin to wear more makeup in an effort to camouflage the growing signs of aging, or should they wear less makeup to keep it from ruining the skin?The truth is that y...

17th November 2010

Tone Your Face With Exercise

A beautiful body requires a healthy diet and plenty of exercise. A beautiful face is no different. Keeping your facial muscles toned and fit will reduce the look of sagging skin and give you a sculpted look. Quite often when a person undergoes weig...

22nd August 2010

Summertime Mineral Makeup

Mineral makeup is great all year round, but in the summer it’s especially handy. Every makeup wearing woman has noticed how makeup “melts” off in the heat due to perspiration. Most don’t know there’s something they can do about it. The following are tips ...

04th September 2009

Undergoing a Facelift for a More Youthful Appearance

Facelifts are very popular cosmetic facial rejuvenation procedures in which excess facial skin is removed, tightening the appearance of the face. Underlying tissues on the face, and sometimes also the neck, may also be tightened. During the facelift, a...

21st August 2009

Aesthetic Surgery Can Help With Weight Loss

There are all sorts of information currently available on aesthetic implants, a popular aesthetic surgery performed these days. A large selection of them are really advanced stuff, some of the others are old standbys and all depend for success on artisti...

21st August 2009

Aesthetic Surgery Will Make You Look Younger

There are all sorts of information currently available on implants, a popular aesthetic surgery performed these days. A good many of them are space-age stuff, some of the rest are old standbys and all rely for success on artistic talent and quality taste...

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