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Member Since: 02nd March 2011
No of Articles: 4
About Me:


30th March 2012

How to Dress for a Wedding Reception

Unless you're the bride or groom, it pays to learn how to dress for a wedding reception before you attend one. If you're dressed too fancy or not fancy enough, you're going to stand out like a sore thumb. That's not the kind of lasting impression you want...

04th August 2011

Choosing a perfect wigs

More and more people use wigs nowadays other than the stars. Just like the bag, pump and clothes, wigs turn into a new fashion variety. Just before you choose a wigs you should know certain things clearly. One is how many different types of wigs could...

18th March 2011

Modern way of buying wedding dresses

Engaged and getting married is usually regarded as the happiest part of the world, well, in most people's eyes, it is happy. Indeed, it is happy too. But like the saying goes, everything is bitter before sweet. Getting married isn't any exception. Prio...

15th March 2011

Wedding, lifelong memory

There are lots of happy and important things that can happen in people?¡¥s life, I do not know whether they can remember each one of these thing when people get old, but I get one thing for sure, there is one thing, they'll never ever forget, that is, the...