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Articles, tagged with "chili", page 1

06th August 2010

Extreme Diets Rarely Work

A good reason why most people cannot carry on with fad diets for much time is because the dietary recommendations are too complex to undertake. Over a sustained period of time, it is hard to maintain severe imbalances in your daily eating pattern, as peop...

30th October 2009

Profitable Fundraiser Is The Personalized Cookbook

It had been many years since I was involved in a fundraiser of any type. While in college we did a few car washes in the parking lot of a local grocery store. A few bucks were collected, but it wasn't as profitable as we would have liked. Still we had fun...

15th September 2009

Biscuit Meals Made Easy

Easy Biscuit Meals They are easy and fast to make and easy and fast to clean up which I love. Pop these in the oven and while they're cooking you can clean up the kitchen. My teenager and his friends love these type meals. And they're versatile. You...

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