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Articles, tagged with "concoctions", page 1

13th June 2011

Swedish Beauty Designer Lotions

It seems like beauty products have fascinated people for ever. The earliest reported beauty products used by women were concoctions used by the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra who was famous for her beauty. Numerous beauty products have been discovered and devel...

23rd February 2011

Golden Brown Bodies Need Not Mean Burning In The Sun

In the past few decades many of us have liked the thought of having a lovely golden hue which makes us look and feel better. Of course, warnings from medical personnel have told us not to go out in the sun without some type of protective tanning lotion a...

16th December 2010

Tips On How To Even Out Skin Tone And Get Rid Of Pigmentation Spots

Skin aging precipitates the emergence of pigmentation spots. If you are frequently exposed to ultraviolet rays, your integumentary system will keep on producing melanin to counteract the negative effects of UV rays. Since skin eventually loses its regener...

17th November 2010

What Were Some Original Art Materials

When Earth began spinning, and man suddenly arrived, he could only communicate through stomping, grunting, pulling people with their hair, chucking stones, and growling. Language was not around so he had to find a form of correspondence. Man conceived tha...

19th May 2010

Skin Care Recipes – Why You’re Limited in What You Can Use

Let's face it. When it comes to skin care recipes the ones you can make at home are certainly a step above most of what you can buy at the store for treating your skin. The use of all natural compounds in taking care of your skin reaps great benefits, a...

15th January 2010

We Must Remain Cute At All Times

Oh, the perils men and women confront when they decide to allow cutting, injecting and even lasers on their beautiful, pristine, unspoiled faces. Once a face is injected with chemical substances it is forever changed. Same with deciding to lop off sa...

09th December 2009

The History of Chocolates and Chocolate as a Food Source

The History of Chocolates It is believed that the Aztecs were the first ones to have grown the cocoa crops the entire history of chocolates. And that they turned out to be the chocolates we love and just can't resist until now! They began using these ...

12th November 2009

Keep Dark Circles Under Eyes from Ruining Your Life - Get Rid Of It Fast!

No one wants to wake up in the morning to find dark circles under their eyes. Not only does it make you look silly, it would look good on you if you're a professional -- imagine facing your boss or clients with eyes like a panda. Don't let dark circles un...

30th October 2009

Dark Circles Under Eyes: Why Do I Have Them?

No matter how much makeup you pack on, if you're exhausted, there's no stopping your face from showing it to the world. Tiredness is a state that is so natural that not even synthetic coverups can mask it. One of the most common problems that surface duri...

04th September 2009

Deterring which is the Best Hair Loss Product

You have probably asked yourself time and time again, what is the best hair loss product available? That question was asked on a Google answers site, and the experts answer? They stated that there is no answer to that question. They are correct i...

18th August 2009

Dellinger delivers solution to women with naturally curly hair

Even at a young age, Mahisha Dellinger realized the challenges of dealing with her naturally curly hair. She'd try one product after another, each promising a solution in managing hair of her type. Rarely, though, was she satisfied, and over time she grew...

16th July 2009

How A Perfume Smell Can Change

Most women absolutely love perfumes. Many have their favorite scent from the famous Chanel Number 5 to Est'e Lauder's Beyond Paradise or Calvin Klein's Euphoria. There are some perfumes that are meant for day wear while others are meant for the evening or...

16th July 2009

Hair Care For Colored Hair

Throw away that over used hair gel that makes your locks crispy, crunchy, and terribly unnatural! Banish that mousse that gives your hair more body than a weight lifter! Today's top trends in hair care products focus on the natural and allow your hair to ...

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