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Articles, tagged with "divorce lawyer", page 7

16th September 2010

The Purpose they Exist

Divorce indicates the dissolution of all matrimonial bonds involving the spouses, its attendant duties, and authorized tasks. In most parts of the planet, for a divorce to come to be final, an issuance of a divorce decree by a competent court or a compara...

11th September 2010

Are You Searching for Quick Divorce

Mediation is a common term heard very often in United States. Almost every one is sure that the mediation is associated with divorce even though there may be people who do not know what exactly mediation is. As the word suggest, a person who stands as a m...

07th September 2010

Discussing Divorce With Your Children

Constant communication between you and your children is very important especially during times of trials such as a divorce process. The children need to be assured that they are not responsible for the things that are happening around them regarding divor...

01st September 2010

Dissolution of Marriage for a new lease of life

Marriages are solemnized in heaven but very few are enjoying the perfect bliss in their marriage. The loving relationship which materialized in wedding sometimes took ugly turn when both party does not have faith in each other. There are numerous reasons ...

15th July 2010

The Children Of Divorce Need Protection By A Good Legal Team

Divorce and the issues associated with it is an emotional and stressful situation for all parties involved. The children of a divorcing couple are perhaps the most affected by the proceedings. The upheaval in their family life and structure can cause many...

13th July 2010

Getting Support Through Your Divorce

Economic advantages of Mediation Normally, divorce mediation will cost you 40 to sixty percent fewer than just a classic divorce process through litigation. Choosing mediation above lawyers and also courtroom structure can conserve time and cash from t...

05th July 2010

Divorces That Are Contested

In a traditional contested divorce, which needs a divorce lawyer, the judge will generally do what is called a "trial division method", where couples will split for awhile to see how life works without each other. But if you want to go the expensive route...

02nd July 2010

Find The Best Divorce Lawyer Alpharetta, GA

Every one in his or her life will come through a turning point. Whether it is for bad or good, divorce is one among them. Marriage life, which starts with loads of dreams and expectation all of a sudden stands behind the big question mark of divorce. Thes...

30th June 2010

Should You Employ a Divorce Lawyer?

A financial burden in today's society is always painful to deal with along with the emotional pain of getting divorced. The fiscal consequences of your divorce are permanent. A good divorce lawyer will help to ensure that you will get the best result poss...

30th June 2010

The Reasons a Divorce Lawyer Can Help You

A financial burden in today's society is always painful to deal with along with the emotional pain of getting divorced. A divorce settlement can make or break you, financially speaking. You help ensure that you will get the best possible result by getting...

25th June 2010

Hire the Top Atlanta Divorce Lawyer- Win The Case

When you type Atlanta Divorce Lawyer on internet you must be in a devastated state of mind. No one can really feel happy when it comes to separation from their partners. However, sometimes life takes such turns that you cannot avoid taking such decisions....

08th June 2010

Consultation with Liverpool Solicitors is the Gateway to Get Easy Divorce

According to an Idiom "Marriages are made in Heaven", this was actually right for the earlier times. In today's ultra modern life, where people like each other and get married, marriages break like moist wafers. But in some serious issues, where the condi...

21st May 2010

Divorce proceeding – the specifications that you need to keep in mind

Like all US states, the state of New York has particular laws pertaining to a divorce proceeding. A divorce may be obtained by negotiation or you may have to use litigation. Whatever the option you choose, it involves a number of legal details. To take ca...

10th May 2010

Discover How Properties Are Shared Under State Family Law

A competent divorce lawyer can help you identify and ascertain the value of assets along with representing your best interest. It is much easier if you and your spouse can make a deal on how all resources should be divided. When you are unable, the decisi...

29th April 2010

Tips on Finding a Los Angeles Divorce Lawyer

Whenever you and your spouse both choose to end the marriage, and can come to an understanding about who gets what of your joint property, we call it uncontested. If only one of the parties seeks to dissolve the marriage, or the spouses can't find common ...

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