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Articles, tagged with "divorce lawyer", page 4

21st March 2011

What Happens to the House in a Divorce

Next to the children, the division of property is probably the most important part of the divorce proceedings. This is especially true when there is ownership of a house before the divorce proceedings are begun. There are several options open to couples w...

21st March 2011

Choosing the Easy Way Out in Divorce: Assets Assignment by Mutual Agreement

Divorce is a very difficult thing to endure, but it can be easier if the couple takes certain steps to help them through the process. Unfortunately this doesn’t often happen because there is usually only one party that wants the divorce in the first place...

21st March 2011

Hiring the Best Divorce Lawyer Requires Research

One of the most important things to remember about hiring a divorce lawyer is to make sure you know the credentials of the divorce lawyer you choose. This means you must make a decision that is based solely on the lawyer’s credentials and not for any othe...

21st March 2011

The Divorce and Property Division: The Worst Arguments

One of the worst arguments that accompanies a divorce is property division, especially when the property is real estate. The marital home tends to be a sore spot among divorcing couples, especially those who have been married for a long time. While the mo...

21st March 2011

The Importance of Hiring a Divorce Lawyer

With the current cost of hiring a divorce lawyer, many couples are looking toward the do-it-yourself divorce. The key issue is whether this method is actually in the best interests of the divorcing parties. While saving money is certainly a key factor in ...

21st March 2011

History of Divorce

India and Sri Lanka are the two countries that have the lowest divorce rates, around one and one and a half percent respectively. In this part of Asia divorce is still very rare, although it is more common in South East Asia. In India, for example, arrang...

17th March 2011

Reality Steve Says Brad Womack Finds Fancy in The Bachelor

Actuality television is all about making hype more than complications that pertain to successful or losing the indicate. For a demonstrate like The Bachelor, people are normally speculating about who will win the show, who will sense miserable about dropp...

15th March 2011

Is It Time To Call Divorce Lawyer Liverpool?

Although marriages are supposed to be made in heaven and should last forever, there are times when things fall apart and before you knew it, the need to file for divorce would be very pressing. Now you would think if it is really important to hire Soli...

15th March 2011

Sheen Suing Warner Bros. for 320 Million!

Charlie Sheen seems to have identified a new way to make revenue! From staying the greatest paid actor on tv to having to pay for a divorce lawyer and settlement, his present Two and a 50 percent Males has looked at him by it all. He has arrive a lengthy ...

11th March 2011

What Constitutes "Family Law?"

Family law. It's a term you may have heard thrown around in the past, one associated primarily with divorce in the minds of the masses. The term encompasses a number of issues surrounding marriage and divorce, however, all of which have legal ramificati...

08th March 2011

Mick Jagger RIP Not Definitely

The Grammy Awards 2011 noticed the illustrious Mick Jagger of the Rolling Stones rock the audience all above yet again. He showed the world that expertise has no age and no fetters. Nothing at all can end a performer from offering the finest overall perfo...

03rd March 2011

Divorce Attorneys – What You Need to Know

Divorce Attorneys – What You Need to Know It is believed that divorce rate in the United States are amongst the highest in the world. This in a way makes it a noble profession to seek especially for persons looking to make a quick kill from unsuspectin...

03rd March 2011

Divorce Attorney – Learning Basics

When getting into a marriage, nobody every thinks of going through a divorce. But, the reality is that it is happening and millions of Americans divorce each year as fast as they marry. The process can be the most painful and life draining as it is the mo...

03rd March 2011

Choosing Divorce Lawyers

Despite of the dramas that you hear happen during a divorce proceeding, it is important to know that a divorce attorney can assist you greatly if going through one. A majority of people often make silly mistakes which in the end often haunt them when judg...

03rd March 2011

Divorce Lawyers San Diego

When you hear of divorce, blood just curdles in your vain. Talk to in man or woman who recently went through one and they will readily admit it’s not a walk in the park. Whether they won the custody or alimony or the house on the beach, the whole processe...

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