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Articles, tagged with "natural elasticity", page 1

05th September 2011

what is acelift alternative therapies

As people age the skin loses its natural elasticity and firmness. This loss results of the fine line and wrinkles around the eyes, a forehead, and around the mouth and nose. Historically, decision was one of several types of surgical interventions, which ...

15th August 2011

Things You Need to Know About Collagen Face Masks

Collagen face masks can practically provide a number of benefits. Our skin loses its collagen content as we age.. This causes our skin to lose its natural elasticity, and ultimately the formation of minute lines and wrinkles. Thinner lips and nails can al...

19th April 2011

What is Scottsdale Restylane?

Time tends to have a negative effect on our bodies. As we age, our skin's natural elasticity diminishes and collagen production slows, resulting in wrinkles, thinner lips, and an older complexion. However, medical science has provided us with a solution: ...

06th April 2011

Anti-Aging Skin Secrets

The skin will be the initial visible signal of aging. This really is why anti-aging items, solutions and treatments focus on maintaining the skin young and youthful. It tends to make lots of feeling to take care of our skin offered that it's the biggest o...

27th October 2010

How To Fight Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are a common side effect that occurs after weight loss or pregnancy. When the body expands from weight gain, the skin is stretched out accordingly. When the body is then reduced in size, the skin doesn't always shrink appropriately, leavin...

27th October 2010

How Retinol Improves Your Skin

Retinol is the latest buzz word when it comes to skin care. Many consumers are left wondering if retinol is actually effective as an anti-aging and wrinkle reducing ingredient or if it's just a new brand of marketing hype. The question is: will using re...

01st June 2010

Getting rid of crow’s feet through Anti aging face products

In the world of today, one of the most important things that you can do is to well care for your skin. This is very important as it can make the difference in whether you face wrinkles and other skin problems over time. Considering the fact that there are...

01st June 2010

How Anti aging treatments can increase collagen in your body.

If you have any wrinkles on your body, then one of the most important things that you need to remember is that it is wise that you have the right anti aging treatments that can well suit your skin. Always make sure that you have all the necessary informat...

18th September 2009

Your Breast Lift and You - What You Can Expect Before, During, and After Surgery

A breast lift, also known as a mastopexy, is a common cosmetic surgery procedure performed to help return a youthful and firmer shape to the breast. Over time, the skin's natural elasticity is broken down and the weight of the breast can cause it to sag. ...

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