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Articles, tagged with "three kids", page 1

02nd October 2011

Smart Mouth Mobile Takes Bold Step into Worldwide Mobile Communications Market

In the communications industry today the vast majority of wireless and telecom companies are increasing rates and lowering or even eliminating services such as unlimited data. Verizon announced today that they are following the lead of other wireless indu...

14th March 2011

Are you Home Poor?

The nice American Dream has all the time revolved around proudly owning a home. Positive, having the 2.three kids, the soft corporate job and the fashionable car to drive to work everyday are part of the myth, too, however nothing fairly summed up America...

17th June 2010

Divorce Offers Opportunity For Growth

The best way to move forward in life is from a place of acceptance. I want you to know that in a time of divorce, where you are is just fine! I know this may be difficult to completely embrace right in this moment, but it will really help you if you can t...

27th November 2009

Teen Guilty in the Murder of Own Father

Just recently, CNN reported a heart-breaking news about a Berkeley teen who was convicted in the murder of his father. The victim was raising three kids on his own when one of them, for reasons unknown, murdered him with a gunshot to the head. The judge h...

21st August 2009

How To Beat The Recession Easily

So The worst Recession in living memory is with us - So What! The truth is it is not the worst one in living memory, I remember The Big Slump of the 1930s when most of the working classes were not working even though we had everything to create work. I wa...

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