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Articles, tagged with "new challenge", page 1

10th January 2011

Looking the best information concerning to music marketplace

As humans we hate change. We get set in our ways and we like to be in a comfort zone. Musicians in music marketplace generally don’t like to get outside of a comfort zone because when things are familiar, it is easy to do them and present a consistent res...

28th December 2010

The Fun Behind Car Parking Games

Parking is something that most of us that own a car have to deal with every day. But it doesn't really matter if you are an expert driver or just a beginner attending his driving license's exam, there are far more diverse ways in which you can get the han...

21st December 2010

Paints and Dogs

First, graffiti. Now, ruffiti. Carrying the images of his dogs are the uncontested spaces all over Manhattan like construction site fences or buildings. These portraits of his dogs have been able to generate reactions from dog lovers and those who are not...

18th August 2009

India signs Asean FTA !

Yesterday the Indo- Asean FTA was signed. Let us see how bilateral trade will fare ! It is bound to shoot up. We feel that Kerala's fears will be unfounded, as India gets access to ASEAN markets. India is leading in IT, BT, NT and other services. In...

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