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Articles, tagged with "human health", page 1

07th February 2012

Improve The Living Environment By Recycling E-Waste

Most people update their electronic products these days on a regular basis, not because they aren't made well and need replacing, but because technology is so advanced that a newer model often appears on the market a year later and consumers like to have ...

28th June 2011

Essential Protective Gear for Removing Black Mold

When you go about the process of removing black mold from your house for good, you need to make sure you do it with the right protective gear. This is very important to ensure that you are safe from the start, as mold can be a particularly dangerous fungu...

01st April 2011

Green Terms

Today's society is growing more aware of our affect on the environment. As a result, companies are producing items designed to help instead of harm the earth. However, along with this comes a plethora of new terms. While people in these industries may be ...

31st March 2011

Generous Gaga Spread Bracelets to Aid Japan

After her triumphant concert tour in Toronto, Canada wherein she had a duet with a young and talented Filipina you tube sensation Maria Aragon, Lady Gaga is showing compassion to the Japan victims by spreading a white Bracelet to the world which says “We ...

11th March 2011

Skin Lotion Care: Discover The Perfect Lotions And Creams Today

Among the women of at this time, having an important trying and radiant skin is something that provides to their self-confidence and boosts one's esteem. That is also one thing wanted and coveted for even through the earliest time. Lots of us are even in ...

07th March 2011

Saving the Environment with Green Cleaning Products

Almost every product we use has harmful, deadly chemicals that can be a threat to the environment. However, with increasing environmental awareness, many countries are adopting green practices to protect the environment from harmful chemicals. People are ...

23rd February 2011

What is environmentally-friendly Cleaning and how would it benefit my business?

You may be looking for environmentally-friendly cleaning for your business, but what does it actually mean and how can it benefit you? Environmentally-friendly or green cleaning can mean a number of things, but ultimately it describes cleaning methods u...

16th February 2011

Amazing But Scary Facts About China

In just ten years, the small emerging market of China has transformed into a geopolitical giant that now plays a critical role in the global economy. Here are just a few facts that may shock you: Economy: China's GDP per capita is the 91st-lowest in t...

07th February 2011

Making your waste incinerator safe

Most high temperature waste disposal applications are there for a reason: because the waste being disposed of is harmful or dangerous, or potentially could be harmful or dangerous, in some way. Obvious examples include medical waste and any potential biol...

25th January 2011

Importance of recycling mobile phones

Every journey needs a start. Now let us keep our first step to the journey of recycling mobile phones. Here comes the need of recycling the unused mobile phones. The unused mobile phones are recycled to get the important parts from them. They threaten the...

02nd July 2010

Recycling farm plastics tips

There are many things you should be doing with your farm plastics and certainly many more that you shouldn't here are some starters that may just save you some time and money. 1. Reduce, re-use and recycle agricultural waste, if possible segregate pla...

06th January 2010

The research of Alexander Golod

The New World Wonder you can admire in Russia now! A huge Pyramid that combines the mystery of ancient legends with modern technologies and scientific achievements is opening its doors for excursions soon. The forty four meter high Pyramid near Moscow ...

08th December 2009

Plastic or Paper ?

Shopping: plastic or paper? It seems that the answer is obvious to anyone. Most would immediately respond that the paper bag is far less damaging to the environment. But is it really? To assess true impact on the environment is not so easy. It is necessar...

08th December 2009

The Best Natural Cures for Dark Under Eye Circles

Did you know the most popular natural cures for dark under eye circles are fresh cucumber or fruit slices? Do they work? If so, then why do they work? Those are the questions we answer in this article. Reclining in a comfortable chair or lying on th...

24th November 2009

Go Green With Earth-Friendly Lanyards and ID Cards

Just about every organization uses lanyards these days and often times, when one doesn't need his/her lanyard anymore, the thing winds up in the garbage. Depending on what the lanyard was made of, it could sit in a landfill for years, never decomposing be...

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