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Articles, tagged with "saturated fats", page 1

20th April 2012

An Indian Vegetarian Diet For Weight Loss and Good Health: Does It Work?

If you are vegetarian, India is no less than a paradise. There are several hundred vegetarian recipes out here, and it is one of those few cultural zones in the world where meats and cheese are not essential components of a main meal. With Indian cooking,...

27th March 2012

Olive Oil Facial - Is The Jury Still

The olive oil facial cleanser, it seems that the dust has not yet been resolved. If you search online you can find the requirements and approvals to either praise or belittles, the benefits of olive oil facial cleanser. To help you make the decision, here...

26th October 2011

Feline Continual Renal Failure

Even though you are proposed to take in a substantial calorie diet regime, you need to stay clear of food items that raise your triglycerides and cholesterol rangesRecommendations - • Include food items that are high in monounsaturated and polyunsaturated...

29th June 2011

Buy Arbonne Products and Get Interesting Results

Buy Arbonne is the most frequented suggestion among consultants. Arbonne Cosmetic products are in the beauty shelves o most women. These products not only guarantee beauty results but wellness too. People mostly women are increasingly fascinated in t...

24th June 2011

Diet Plans And Menus - The Zen Diet

The Zen Diet was inspired by Japanese nutritional habits. Maybe they know something we don't know, their life expectancy is definitely one of the world's highest. The meals are low-calorie and are mostly based on fish and soy products. Foods such as cold ...

07th June 2011

Low Cholesterol Diet How to Start a Small Cholesterol Eating habits Program

When you 1st get the warning back again from your health practitioner in accordance to the outcomes of your lab checks, there are several issues you can do. You should contemplate pharmaceutical medications and statins as a initially priority, and then ma...

28th April 2011

Can Detox Eating plan Definitely Treatment Acne?

Homework perform has demonstrated that foods plays a significant position in acne and other skin complications somewhat it has a direct impact. Some food items can actually flare up acne lesions like as animal fats that are abundant in saturated fatty aci...

23rd March 2011

Diabetes Diet, Which are the Ten best Vegetables and fruit For Diabetics

This is actually the question my diabetics always ask. Hopefully this article increase your information about diet to get a diabetic patient.AVOID THESE FOODS If you are a diabetic patient stay away from following list of foods.1-Sugar, sugar substitutes ...

04th February 2011

Make 2011 Your Year To Eat Simply And Clean

The New Year has just begun and for some people, the new diet resolutions they made have already gone by the wayside. Here’s my 2011 mantra: Resolve not to start on another diet this year!” Coming from a nutrition professional, I know this sounds count...

14th January 2011

The Vegan Diet- Get Rid of a Few Extra Pounds by Following This Advice

The healthiest diet you can find, is the one that would not only make you lose some extra pounds, but one that can actually make those pounds dissappear forever and give you some extra benefits such as more energy, vitality and a longer life. And let m...

02nd December 2010

Skipping Foods With Fat For Weight Loss

By Lori in Diet
A lot of people think all fats need to be eliminated whenever attempting to get rid of body weight. However, a best diet to lose weight informs a person a distinction from healthy as well as unhealthy dietary fats. A terrific fat loss program informs a pe...

22nd November 2010

Lose Weight Understanding Label Meanings

By Lori in Diet
Food packaging labels may be very tricky. Individuals may assume an appropriate fast way to lose weight happens to be consuming foods labeled right, best and smart. But, a dieter might want to be aware of these terms. These terms are not regulated hence t...

14th October 2010


Good fats goods, natural, non-animal products in high-fat, high health status and basic performance. Saturated fats Saturated fats raise blood cholesterol and total cholesterol and LDL (bad cholesterol).. Monounsaturated fats Monounsaturated fats (Mu...

12th October 2010

Is Calcium the New Diet Pill?

Okay okay okay, I couldn’t resist writing such a scandalous sounding title. There is some truth in it. There is emerging evidence that calcium may reduce the absorption of fat into the body by half. This would lead to lower body fat percentage which is ki...

12th October 2010

Numerous Helpful Tactics For Dropping Pounds

By Lori in Diet
These days, people can find motivation to lose weight strategies everywhere he or she looks. Friends, the internet, television and magazines all provide advice for weight loss. With this much guidance, the majority of individuals are unable to follow each...

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