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Articles, tagged with "home teeth", page 1

31st January 2011

Listerine Whitening - Does Anyone Think That Listerine Whitening Make Teeth Whiter?

Do you wish you had a super white sexy smile? Do you see the stars of television and wonder how they get such white teeth? New at home teeth gel kits are capable of given you ultra white teeth . A new type of strip called Listerine whitening strips may b...

12th January 2011

Dentist Teeth Whitening- Free Interesting Info For Dentist Teeth Whitening

The most typical reason explaining why folk seek dental services is teeth discoloration. Everybody wants the best teeth bleaching procedures done but before going to the dentist most people gather teeth whitening tips and info. As you examine this art...

12th January 2011

Teeth Whitening- Free Helpful News For Teeth Whitening

It is a good we currently have a lot of tooth bleaching systems that are effective as well as safe. With these teeth lightening products, we now don't need to spend as much or show our teeth to potential problems. Here are some practical home teeth lighte...

27th October 2010

The Easy Way To Whiter Teeth

Everybody wants a vivid white smile and clean looking teeth. Things like coffee, tea and cigarette smoking can dull and discolour your teeth. Teeth whitening has become more affordable and easier to access than ever before. You can have your teeth ...

06th August 2010

Teeth Whitening options for that Picture Perfect Smile

In the Fashion world there is always a war between styles. Everyone has their own opinion on what's in and what's out; what's old and what's new; what's hot and what's not and what's acceptable. Hair Styles keep changing too and trends don't last too long...

08th January 2010

Common Knowledge is Not Always Common….3 Side Effects You Must Know About at Home Teeth Whitening

Like many celebrities, average people are putting themselves in the driver's seat when it comes to their image. At home teeth whitening products have evened the playing field to the sometimes elusive pearly white smile. Now, regular people have the ch...

29th December 2009

Home Teeth Whitening Remedies

Some natural teeth whitening remedies out their today can make a person sit up and take notice. There are also some natural teeth whitening remedies that will make one run for the nearest drugstore for medicinal relief from such remedies. Being careful an...

07th December 2009

Making People Smile with Teeth Whitening Systems

Today's professional teeth whitening systems offer hydrogen peroxide gels with various strengths. Some of the products contain various strengths of concentrated Carbamide peroxide. The products with Carbamide are the home systems and whitening pens, but s...

26th November 2009

Cosmetic Dentistry Trends: Having your Teeth Whitened Professionally

After decades of grinding your teeth, chomping on cud, and chewing tough steak, your once-pearly whites may have seen better days. The shiny finish of shimmering white enamel has diminished, revealing the natural yellow layer underneath. Add to that coffe...

24th November 2009

Professional Teeth Whitening - Who is a Great Candidate for this Cosmetic Dentistry Treatment?

Little by little, external factors will detract from the whiteness in the teeth's enamel. Sometimes, this occurs gradually over time. Those that enjoy drinking tea or coffee may not realize how they are contributing to the prolonged staining of the teeth....

16th July 2009

Effective At-Home Teeth Whitening Products - What You Should Look Into

There are three main types of at-home teeth whitening products which include strips, tray systems, and brush on gels. Each type of product has advantages and disadvantages and gives different results to different people. Crest White Strips are one of the ...

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