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Articles, tagged with "department store", page 3

25th November 2009

What Kids Beds are Best For Your Child

Now that you have finally come to see that your little baby is not so little anymore, it is time to move him or her to the next level of beds. But what size of bed comes next after the crib? This is a hard thing to decide on for many parents. As a child g...

17th September 2009

Fun Activities for Kids

I always favor toys for children that are open ended. By that I mean the results are not predetermined. For example on a television set the images and the story unfold instantaneously before your eyes and nothing is left to the imagination. Ever heard the...

16th September 2009

Eyebrow Waxing

Waxing your eyebrows is a method that can be adjusted to fit your time and budget. There are do it yourself kits that can be bought at any drugstore, department store or online or you can have this performed at a salon. There are many different options no...

10th August 2009

Finding Cheap Perfumes

Many perfumes can cost hundreds of dollars for one ounce and buying additional products can run you into huge dollar figures. Perfume becomes a consumable product for each and everybody around the world. Almost every human has been affected by perfume and...

03rd August 2009

Cheap Skin Care Products

Let me tell you a quick story about cheap skin care products. One day as I'm visiting a friend waiting for her to get ready as we're about to go out for lunch she starts complaining to me about her skin being so sensitive. So, with me being involved in th...

06th June 2009

I Found the Mother of a Lost Child with a Cell Phone Lookup

The little girl was maybe five years old, and she was crying when she walked into my store. I have a small store in a busy shopping mall, two doors down from a large department store. It was hard for her to talk because of all the tears. By the time she'd...

01st April 2009

Guide To OPC 3 Antiaging Cosmetics

Delaying the aging process is a battle we all have sooner or later. Today however, the awareness of it has reached its peak or at least this is what I'd like to believe. How do we combat age and what can we do everyday in order to delay it for as long as ...

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