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Articles, tagged with "c vitamin", page 1

18th November 2011

Some Effective Methods To Regrow Hair

All-natural ointments, nutritional vitamins and dietary supplements, well balanced meals, topical therapy, prescribed medicines, and also good care and focus on one's hair are some of the ways to regrow hair. Hairloss could greatly affect one's life as...

11th March 2011

Stretch Marks: How To Get Rid From It?

Stretch Marks are those little discolored marks in our skin that remind us of several things happening in our lives at different times. It could be from our happy days during our pregnancy to our desperate times during weight gain. No matter what the stre...

11th March 2011

Best Way To Avoid Stretch Marks

Sometimes we always jog on memory of things that happens in our life because of those stretch marks that we have seen in our skin. Briefly stretch marks is a shiny line on the abdomen, breasts, thighs, or buttocks, that is often lighter than the surroundi...

09th March 2011

Organic Anti Aging Skin Care Products

Do you ever wonder what are those anti aging products have on them? We see these anti aging products on TV and we may become overwhelmed with the ingredients that they have. If you are using these anti aging products, I’m assuming that you were also caugh...

03rd March 2011

Beauty Foods for Beautiful Skin

It is common knowledge that an individuals diet can affect the body so it is not surprising that foods can also be used as a natural cosmetic source. The right choice of foods can bring back the natural glow to the eyes, skin, and hair, all the things the...

23rd February 2011

Getting Older - Avoid With Anti-Oxidants

None of us desires to age. Even though that's inevitable, we all want to glance young. That may be also suitable since youth incorporates a splendor that is absent in age. How anti oxidants can help you in fighting aged appears? Allow us learn. Anti-ox...

15th February 2011

The Porridge Made of Red Bean

It is known to all that porridge plays an important role in improving the physical health for the human body. The porridge can be cooked in various ways. Here, the porridge made of red bean, sticky rice and red date will be introduced for people. The porr...

28th January 2011

Benefits of Kukui Nut Oil in Natural Soap

Kukui Nut Oil has a long tradition in Hawaii, but in recent times it gained global recognition. One of its main advantages is that it makes the skin look younger and smoother without being greasy. The oil is obtained from the seeds of Aleurites moluccana ...

19th January 2011

Foods that Beautify the Skin

If you nourish yourself from the inside then you will exude it on the outside. Foods play a very important role in our overall health including our skin and they way we look. There are certain foods that when eaten regularly will have a positive effect on...

17th January 2011

Wrinkle Treatments Without Surgery

If you are planning to erase wrinkles from your face and body, there are two things you have to take into consideration. The first is that your collagen production needs to be stimulated. Secondly, free radicals that create havoc in your body, needs to be...

05th January 2011

Your Winning Guide In Having Firmer And More Elastic Skin

Our skin is naturally elastic and firm. Thanks to our integumentary system's reliable production of collagen and elastin, we can enjoy firm and beautiful skin. But as we get older, the production of collagen and elastin dwindles. The natural aging pro...

16th December 2010

How To Have Firm And Resilient Skin When You Are In Your 40's

At the age of 40, many people are already seeing the visible signs of skin aging. Wrinkles, fine lines and age spots are just some of them. As we get older, the amount of collagen produced by the integumentary system dwindles. Keeping your skin firm a...

20th October 2010

Organic Skin Care: The Helpful And Natural Antioxidants

People are always suffering from different skin dilemmas. This is the reason why technology has brought different solutions for these problems. However, as time goes by, people seek for a more natural way. This is because they have experienced the negat...

12th August 2010

Eat these 5 Food Types to Lose Weight.

By seaox in Diet
Are there really fat burning foods that can speed up your metabolism? Yes! By eating the right foods, you can trick your body into burning through its extra fat. Here are 5 of the tastiest and most convenient fat burning foods you can find: Citrus ...

21st April 2010

Best Wrinkle Cream

Wrinkle cream is the safest and can be the best and the most economical way to get rid of wrinkles. With the composition of natural extracts and important skin improving formula, wrinkle creams can be very effective in making the skin regain its youthful ...

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