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Articles, tagged with "scar tissue", page 1

22nd November 2011

Microdermabrasion with Regard to Acne Treatment

Microdermabrasion has turned into a widely used treatment for whoever has acne issues, but this kind of treatment won't benefit all acne problems. This kind of treatment is best for superficial skin conditions which includes light to moderate acne issues,...

16th November 2011

Biological Burn Scar Treatment Cream

Are you plagued by a skin burn? Does the blemish do more than just affect the consistency of your skin? Does it change your whole attitude and self esteem? There is probably not one single burn victim that wouldn't want to change their burn scar tissue fo...

26th September 2011

Benefits of Laser acne treatment

Acne is an awfully common skin disorder, one that affects many people around the world. Most of the people make the mistake of thinking that acne normally affects teenagers but this is not at all true and in fact a bigger majority of adults suffer from se...

09th August 2011

Your Options for Stretch Marks Treatment

Stretch marks usually appear on certain areas of the body. These areas are the ones that accumulate the most amount of fat like the abdomen, hips, breast, thighs and upper arms. Stretch marks are no more than an esthetic problem, but most people are eager...

11th May 2011

Know More about Mini Facelift

Mini facelift procedure is made to help the sophisticated facial aging within the lower eyelid, cheek and mid-face. The treatment can help to re-establish facial stability this provides you with an overall boost to the lower third of the face and neck. Ev...

15th March 2011

Hair Restoration- A Modern Solution to Hide Scars

When you look at someone, the chances are that most of time you will be taking in their face and head. So, scarring on the scalp often causes people to be extremely self-conscious about their appearance. It may seem as though there is little that can be d...

06th March 2011

A scar can take as long as 6 or more months to completely mature or heal

Scar revision for post hair transplant patients is the correction of minimizing of the scar that was left in the donor area after a hair transplant by strip procedure. Patients are made aware that there will be a scar at the end of the procedure but there...

04th March 2011

How Acne Scars Are Eliminated with a Gentle and Natural Skin Care Cream!

Acne is a skin ailment that is difficult to endure. In addition to the cosmetic disconfiguration, there is the worry a lasting scar could follow after it heals. The conditions that lead to acne consist of too much sebum from the sebaceous gland filling a ...

20th December 2010

The Best Fade Cream - Celtrixa Delivers Results

As it pertains to the fading of stretch marks, there are a lot products that claim that they can help in fade away these types of black marks but, as you may have learned personally, a great number of these types of products don't do exact them to. Withou...

01st December 2010

Scar Tissue Removal -Getting Rid of Scars

When skin or organs are damaged, the body naturally wants to heal itself. A lesion to the skin causes scar tissue, forcing the body to respond in a way that closes any openings. The body cannot re-create healthy skin tissue to replace that which is damage...

01st December 2010

Healing Scars Naturally

A scar is the pinkish or light-brown patch of skin that grows in place where a wound or sore has emerged. It can be quickly identified by a fibrous patch of skin tissue that takes the place of normal skin tissue. If this process weren't viable the body wo...

01st December 2010

Scar Treatment for Burns

Our skin is the largest organ in our body and helps protect our internal organs from infection and foreign matter as well as retaining fluids and controlling heat exchange. So you can imagine how destructive it is to our survival when we suffer from a ski...

17th November 2010

The Fastest and Easiest Way to Remove Stretch Marks

Scars can form on your skin through many different ways. Most of the time, they can be removed by exfoliating the skin. But for scars such as stretch marks, they are not easily removed and would most often require professional help so that you may be able...

15th November 2010

Acne Scar Treatments: Clearing Your Skin Permanently

Even if you’re recovered from a face full of acne, that obstinate bacterium may have left some additional skin problems behind in the farm of acne scar tissue. Although not all acne treatments affect acne scars, there are acne scar treatments which effec...

29th October 2010

The Best Way to get Rid of Stretch Marks

One type of scar that is almost always unavoidable is the formation of stretch marks on one's body. This is more evident in women as they are exposed to more circumstances wherein these marks may form. Since these marks are really ugly to look at and a lo...

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