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Articles, tagged with "usp", page 1

14th June 2011

I Too Had A Love Story - Book Review

I Too Had a Love Story is the debut novel of young Indian author Ravinder Singh. What makes a love story truly exceptional is the honesty of it and Ravin exemplifies this with this brilliant piece of work. The USP of this book is the honesty with which it...

20th April 2011

The Dish Network Revolution

Television viewing has evolved a lot over the past decade and a half. Gone are the days of hazy transmission and expensive packages. Satellite television has changed the face of the entire industry and the company leading the revolution is Dish Network. P...

17th March 2011

G five Mobile Handsets in India

G five mobile handsets are china based phones and gaining fame bit by bit due to the highly tight competition in Indian mobile industry. Still G five mobile are endeavor to make the slot in the Indian market. At present there are numerous G five mobile ha...

17th March 2011

Samsung Mobiles in India

Samsung mobiles in India have canted the whole mobile market by launching the wonderful devices or gadgets. These Samsung mobiles are embedded with the latest functionalities and set the great example of technology at the front of Indian consumers. The co...

21st January 2011

Welcome Home DISH Network with New Year 2011

How about welcoming DISH Network and New Year 2011 together this season? Interesting right! Add more excitement to your celebration with DISH. Ring in New Year with your favorite stars and characters by just relating on the couch. Just be a part of New Ye...

20th January 2011

Sony Ericsson Xperia X7 Mini : Will Blow All Other Mobiles Away

Among the top mobile phone brands, the Sony Ericsson is the only one that has got the highest ranks. Various mobile phones have come out from them with the stylish offers of features. They again have set the game to make every body astonished. They are ab...

20th August 2010

Watch Breaking Bad Best Episode Ever

Before the finale, was the amazing episode called 'Half Measures'. However, the finale called ‘Full Measure', was the icing on the cake, and gave full excitement before leaving the third season. As the second season left the plot for the third season, s...

07th July 2010

Buy international calls – shrinking the world for you

Every one of us are often faced with the problem of increasing phone bills and tend to ignore making an international call unless and until it is not very necessary but remember this attitude is said to be running away from the problem rather than trying ...

14th May 2010

Blackberry bold 9650 - Gadget to Fascinate You

Outstanding looks with impressive features is the USP of Blackberry phone. announced this April, Blackberry Bold 9650 deals will soon be available for the customers. The user can now have Blackberry bold 9650 contract deals on leading networks of UK suc...

08th March 2010

Affordable Teeth whitening Products

Not everyone is Julia Roberts but "A billion dollar smile" is what everybody wants. With the dental treatments burning a hole in everybody's pockets, teeth whitening is still our of reach for many. Do not worry, there is now an easier and affordable metho...

17th February 2010

Contract Mobile Phones - Never lets you go down with the balance

Back in yesteryears, there was a time when phone was not into existence and the only way to convey message to your loved ones was either by writing a letter or personally visiting the other person's house. Although this process of communication was reliab...

15th February 2010

Local businesses could have global edge

One of the soundest principles that drive successful businesses today is the ability to market products and services as widely as possible. It may start off small, but then it transforms into something enormous. Once you establish yourself in a given nic...

10th February 2010

Nokia launches 5230 Express Music-Full Touchscreen

It is hardly any time since the launch of this handset and it has become the point of discussion amongst all the youths and high-end mobile users. The cutting-edge technology provides world of communication and entertainment at the touch of your finger. T...

22nd January 2010

New Price list of Samsung mobile

Samsung mobiles have launched a whole new series of mobile phones with high-tech features and proper battery back-up. Some of the latest Samsung mobiles have touch-screen facility also. Earlier only high-end mobiles had this touch screen facility, but now...

21st January 2010

Book Review: "The Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords" by Perry Marshall

"The Ultimate Guide to Google AdWords: How to Access 100 Million People in 10 Minutes" by Perry Marshall is a phenomenal book. The book is well written, well organized and easy to follow. The information is action packed and leads you step-by-step in...

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