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Articles, tagged with "thermostat", page 1

03rd June 2013

Ways to Conserve Natural Gas

There are plenty of reasons to conserve natural gas, like helping your finances by reducing your monthly utilities bills or a desire to conserve natural resources and help the environment. Whatever your reason for wanting to conserve natural gas, there ar...

20th June 2011

Handful of Insights To Comprehend Fridge Thermometer

Will you be in the mental state of shopping the newest fridge or freezer for your dwelling? If you're; then please do not ever ignore to buy a top quality type of thermometer for this, which might direct you towards determining the precise temp existing i...

18th May 2011

Go Green Tips

We must try to go green at our homes. This is because at our homes we get complete liberty to do whatever we want to. Sitting in our homes, we can destroy or develop the environment. Here are some tips which can prove to be helpful in going green at home:...

17th May 2011

Tips to Save Energy for Homeowners

Let's be realistic. Although we don’t want to consume all of the worlds supply of carbon and coal for power because of the lights in our home, our fridge, air conditioning and dishwashers, a quick overview of what it costs to have energy saving products a...

11th April 2011

Solar Dehydrator or Solar Oven?

Which is more versatile, a solar dehydrator or a solar oven? Many solar ovens are sold with the promise that, besides cooking food by the energy of the sun, you can also dehydrate food. I have owned two solar Sun Ovens for almost two years and have cooked...

31st March 2011

Managing Carbon Footprints

Open any new publication and you are sure to find a reference on Carbon Footprint and its damage to the earth. From melting of the polar ice regions to the altering weather conditions, it shows the amount of damage done by the humans to the environment. A...

01st November 2010

How Do Active Solar Heating Systems Work?

An active solar heating system differs from a passive one because it uses various components to collect and distribute the solar heat it collects. Passive systems typically involve architectural changes to a home that allows the solar heat to be used more...

02nd September 2010

The Best Energy Saving Ideas

We all like to save money and try and be more environmentally friendly. Here are a few energy saving tips, most of which you can do right now. Leaving electrical appliances on can add 10% to your homes energy bill this could amount to around 50 pounds ...

13th July 2010

Download Despicable Me Movie,Download Despilable Me,Despirable Me Movie

Download Despicable Me Movie and watch out the new bang in anime Watching anime movie is always been a great fun for all those who are anime lovers. Craze for the anime films has started with an explosion when lovers intended to download Despicab...

01st July 2010

Keep Your Cool With These Simple Eco-Friendly Money Saving Tips

Depending upon the climate where you live, cooling your home accounts for as much as 50 percent of the money you spend each month on utilities. As temperatures and humidity levels continue to rise, most of us are seeking relief from the heat this time of...

07th April 2010

Large Deep Fryers, What Brand To Decide On?

Large deep fryers accommodate up to 3 pounds of food in addition to allow cooking some of the lengthiest food items, such as frozen fish fillets. To help you choose one, please take a visit the comparison of two of the most favored larger home fryers: DeL...

06th January 2010

Tips and Advice for Saving Energy at Work

Saving energy is an area that many people are concerned about, the Government particularly so which is why they have pledged to cut carbon emissions by up to 50% by 2020. With this in mind it is useful to know what practical steps you can do whilst in the...

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