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Articles, tagged with "thumb sucking", page 1

02nd August 2011

Stop ThumbSucking

There's no question thumb or finger sucking habit will mis-alignment your child's teeth, or deform his/her jaw. The question is not how, but when? The degree of his/her teeth damage, and the strength to which finger or thumb sucking affects a c...

05th February 2011

Don’t Worry, He Will Grow Out of It!

By CARD in Family
When parents talk to pediatricians and educational professionals about an undesirable behavior, it is not uncommon to be told that many children will “grow out” of that behavior. This is often reassuring for parents because it means, 1) other children als...

27th April 2010

Tiny Tears

There are very few noises on earth that can shatter the nerves of new parents than a crying newborn—especially of brand-new parents. The problem is this: simply, crying newborns are part of the package deal, some of the worst parents must endure in ord...

19th February 2010

Children and Divorce: Common Reactions and What to Say and Do

All children, no matter what their age or developmental stage will experience some effects of the divorce. Younger children may not be able to verbally express themselves but they are still impacted by these changes. Whereas, older children may have more ...

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