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Articles, tagged with "green leafy vegetables", page 2

06th April 2010

How To Fade Your Age Spots?

One of the main reason for having age spots are prolonged exposure to sun rays. The other reasons are eating too much of oil in your diet, diet low in nutrient value and weak liver. Generally age spots starts appearing in late 30s because the skin is les...

05th March 2010

Vitamin Rich Food - And its Rich Source?

Your body requires a lot of nutrients for its cell growth, regeneration and repair. Similarly mineral, potassium and zinc are quite vital for your body. Most important fact about nutrients which are not known to all are the Vitamins. They help you in seve...

05th March 2010

Diet and Skin Go Hand in Hand!

The secret behind healthy skin is your diet. You must follow healthy eating habits and stop eating junk. If you have been eating too much of oily and fried foods, stop them immediately. Your face can only look dull with all these junk foods. Water, gre...

23rd February 2010

Liposuction Risks and How to Avoid It

Liposuction in simple words means removal of excess fat in various parts of your body. There is a greater concentration on the areas which needs loss of fat such as your tummy, breast, buttocks or thighs. It not only works on removing fat but also uses th...

11th February 2010

A List of 50 Healthy Low Fat Foods

If you have made the absolute decision to live a healthy life and trim down your excess weight, it is then high time for you to make the first move by taking out all the unhealthy foods stocked on your fridge in exchange of low-fat and low-caloric folds. ...

14th January 2010

Diet Tips - To Improve Your Vision?

You must learn to eat right in order to improve your eye sight. These food tips will help you to repair your cell membranes in case they are damaged and retain your eye sight. With age it is common to lose your vision but if you eat right, you can gradual...

14th January 2010

Tips to Improve Your Eyesight?

Beauty lies in the eyes of the beholder. But, if your eyes are not maintained well, what will the eyes see? What you eat and drink will affect your body and your eyes are no exception. Eat the right food and you can change the way you are. First and fo...

14th January 2010

Digestive Enzymes and Their Role

If you have had digestive problems in the past, it is more due to lack of digestive enzymes (DE) and probiotics. These are naturally present in your body and can also be found in the food products you eat. If you take curds as an example, it has plenty of...

17th December 2009

Fiber in your diet

Getting a sufficient amount of fiber in your diet is good for your health. Weight loss plans like the south beach diet is a fiber rich diet plan. It is based on encouraging you to eat plenty of fiber rich food. Food such as legumes, fruit, vegetables and ...

17th December 2009

Natural Tips For Gorgeous Looking Hair?

If your mane has to be kept in good condition, it is not enough to oil it. Few people are not aware that simply applying oil will not let the roost absorb it. You must use heat therapy in order to ensure that the roots have absorbed it well. Take some oli...

16th December 2009

Digestion, Vegetables, and Fruits - How Are They Related?

Inadequate bowel movements, frequent bloating of the stomach, flatulence etc may be the symptoms of indigestion. Factors that may help improve these conditions are water, fibrous diet such as vegetables and fruits. Consume a lot of green leafy vegetables ...

16th December 2009

Improve Your Digestive Health - Tips

Do you have trouble digesting your food? Do you often experience bloating, stomach problems, belching, flatulence, head ache due to indigestion? This goes to prove that you have problems with your digestion. Find out the root cause of this problem and see...

15th December 2009

Natural Acne Treatment

Acne is a common problem to majority of our teens. Many of them are not into natural way in getting of acne, for they think that natural cure for acne is not available. However, to those who are patient enough in doing dome trial and error, there can sure...

27th November 2009

Eat Nutritious Food With Lesser Amount Of Calories!

If you need to lose weight, you don't have to skip your meals. Instead cut down on food high in calories and exercise regularly. Eat plenty of fruits and salads in place of chips, burgers, pizzas and other junk food. Cut down on cola drinks, if you want t...

27th November 2009

Shape Your Body Naturally – Fat Burning Diet!

Are you annoyed by your body weight and obesity? If yes, then you may be avoiding parties and social gatherings too? If this sounds like you, then its time to fight out your obesity and other weight related problems. Read this article to find out what you...

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