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Member Since: 17th December 2009
URL: http://
No of Articles: 3
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17th December 2009

A Doctor’s Diet Plan: Should it Include Competition?

Can a physician make a competition part of a successful diet plan? The answer to that question depends largely on the approach taken by any one physician. A competition might encourage weight loss if combined with a suggested weight loss diet and emphasis...

17th December 2009

Fiber in your diet

Getting a sufficient amount of fiber in your diet is good for your health. Weight loss plans like the south beach diet is a fiber rich diet plan. It is based on encouraging you to eat plenty of fiber rich food. Food such as legumes, fruit, vegetables and ...

17th December 2009

Losing Weight Quickly With Dieting

Are you looking for the best ways to lose weight quickly? Choosing the right diet for you can be hard so it is important to think it through. You would want to avoid any bad and unhealthy diets. It's no point in following a diet that will get you nowhere ...