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Articles, tagged with "phone cards", page 2

20th July 2010

International calls: How One Can Make Them Cheaper

How do you feel when your mom or father do not give you permission to make international calls to have conversation with your near and dear ones due to the hefty bills? Obviously, you would not like to experience such kind of situation that keeps you away...

14th July 2010

Play Smart With Calling Cards!

You might be willing to talk to your near and dear ones who are living abroad, but don't you keep an eye on your call duration?. See we gotcha! Its the problem of every third person in UK. Let us tell you that phone cards are such a fantastic way of makin...

07th July 2010

Buy international calls – shrinking the world for you

Every one of us are often faced with the problem of increasing phone bills and tend to ignore making an international call unless and until it is not very necessary but remember this attitude is said to be running away from the problem rather than trying ...

04th July 2010

Talk across the globe freely: get rid of the hefty bills

As the people across the globe came nearer and with the flexibility to work and settling in any part of the world, the urge to get connected to their loved ones started costing them dearer. The sheer thought of spending a big part of their earning for thi...

30th June 2010

Canada Calls are Cheap,Reliable and Handy

Calling Canada as well as placing long distance calls from Canada was quite pocket biting till some years ago. Canada calls had an impact on the budgets of a lot of families and firms in the world since Canada is a home for a great number of people of dif...

08th April 2010

Choose Cheap International Calling Cards and Stay Connected

From Big business associates to common individuals every body wants to communicate with their distant clients and relatives respectively to increase their base and establish themselves globally. We believe that we are living in a world where innovation in...

26th February 2010

Things to Avoid when Using a Telephone Calling Card

When people are randomly asked about what is it the one thing that they should avoid when buying a telephone calling card they usually say something like "buy the cheapest one" however, price is not always as important as many other factors that indirectl...

26th February 2010

5 Reasons why Phone Cards Haven't Died

With the introduction of new technologies into the market more and more people wonder why is it that these so-called outdated calling cards haven't yet died? Why is it that there is still a healthy demand for calling cards and white hands and voice over ...

14th December 2009

Use Prepaid Phone Cards and Save on International Calls

Calling companies have introduced the prepaid cards with an intention to reduce the calling rate and thereby customers get attracted to make more and more international calls or long distance calls. To achieve this, the calling companies withdrew all the ...

08th December 2009

Cheap Phone Cards

Change is the law of life. Life is an eternal and unchanging phenomenon. However, the lifestyles keep on changing. The world in which we were born and the world, which our children and grandchildren have inherited, are almost like two different planets. A...

24th November 2009

Find The Phone Card You Need With Ease At The Card Company

Phone cards can be an easy and convenient way to get in touch with family, friends or co-workers worldwide. It eliminates the hassle of having to worry about it down the road so you can quickly make the call that needs to be made. To get the phone cards...

27th October 2009

A Few Sentences About History of Mobile Telecommunications

In our days, you can see cell telephone in the arms of nearly every human in a town. But no one may say you for sure, who is the inventor of the first mobile telephone. The chief mobile phone was invented in the middle of XX century by big telecommunicat...

27th October 2009

Benefitsof Online Phone Cards

The sales of online phone cards are increasing day-by-day. Now, calling a friend or to make an international calling card call has been made so easy, that you can use any phone and make an international call - be it your cell phone, your office phone, you...

02nd October 2009

Save on Phone Bills with Phone Cards

With the current situation of the world's economy, most families are now having difficulty in making end meet. Some work for longer hours and some accept jobs other than their regular day jobs just to be able to earn extra money that they could use to cov...

30th July 2009

International Phone Cards in Modern Lifestyle

People, who manage their funds and want to control their expenditures on phone talks, would see that AT&T Prepaid Calling Cards are really nice decision for them. You may see that there are available various calling card types, so you may receive 100,...

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