Author Details

Nanty Bonza

Member Since: 13th July 2010
No of Articles: 8
About Me:


06th August 2010

Wanna Trim Your Long Phone Bills- Buy International Calling Cards

Today phone calls are the fastest medium to get connected with the people all around the world. In this era of globalization international calls are playing a vital role. In context of global business, so many deals are finalized over phone calls. A busin...

05th August 2010

International phone cards –Connect you far apart

Making international calls on regular basis can actually blow your pockets. International calls have become a lot more common because of more and more people crossing national boundaries and leaving their home lands. All of us know that international ...

05th August 2010

Cheap International Calls – Make Calls And Save As Well

If you stay away from your home and need to make frequent calls outside country then the best way to make Cheap International Calls is by the use of calling cards. With VOIP coming into the scenario still the calling cards are the first choice for people ...

29th July 2010

Make Life Worthwhile With Calling Cards

With new modernization taking place in the world, each technology strives on providing comfort to the people that not only benefits them but also open the doors of success to the company with which the innovation is taking place. This adds to the turning ...

27th July 2010

Cheap Calling Cards- redefining the way of communication

Where everyone is involved in finding out different ways of saving money, cheap International calling cards have came up as an aid to all its customers. Now you can save money as well as make cheap calls. Many network service providers like O2, Vodafone, ...

21st July 2010

Text n Talk Services : Stay connected at affordable rates

Gone are the days when people used to think hundred times before making an International call. High calling rates became the reason that reduced the frequency of interactions between the friends and relatives who moved to other countries. Communication at...

20th July 2010

International calls: How One Can Make Them Cheaper

How do you feel when your mom or father do not give you permission to make international calls to have conversation with your near and dear ones due to the hefty bills? Obviously, you would not like to experience such kind of situation that keeps you away...

19th July 2010

International Calls- Heavy Bills Not A Havoc Now!

After a large scale survey many service providers found that people generally avoid making international calls just because of their heavy call rates that was indirectly affecting their business and reducing their revenues that can be much more if people ...