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Articles, tagged with "antimicrobial properties", page 1

07th April 2011

Home Remedies for Glowing Skin And Even Complexion

It is both painful and embracing to have acne-prone skin. The best remedies for that are often not in the products found in the market that treat blemishes and acne; but in homemade products that not only clean but add a glow to your complexion. These hom...

20th December 2010

Honey for acne

Honey is not only cute on her stomach ... is actually very good for skin too. Honey is full of drugs that fights bacteria, reduces inflammation and moisturizes the skin. This is why one of the most recommended natural treatments for acne. Zit Zapping...

16th November 2010

Home Remedies for Rosacea Treatment

Rosacea is a common skin disorder that is often misdiagnosed as being acne, flushed skin, or a simple rash. The biggest problem with a misdiagnosis is that will not only be mistreating your condition, you will also be allowing it to get worse. Rosacea...

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