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Articles, tagged with "skin beauty", page 1

02nd February 2012

Spanking Tips To Have Amaze Beauty

Every one wish to have charming looks, beautiful skin and amazing body but do any one of us follow the right tips to accomplish them. There are about 59% of women's and around 76% of men’s who are not aware of right way to enhance their personality and gr...

14th December 2011

Makeup Steps

By aman in Beauty
When summer arrives and the skin requires more pampering and attention. Oiliness, pimples, spots, all sleeping in the winter coppice as clusters of colored lanterns and sometimes as too flashy. One option, expensive but valid, is to meet the proposal of t...

21st November 2011

Skin Care Tips Sensitive Skins

In your body 15% part of your body weight is of your skin, so while dealing with skin or you has sensitive skin is not a small thing to ignore. The precise description of a skin is hard to pin down. Because there may several different factors involve in s...

16th November 2011

How to Have Beautiful Skin and Look More Beautiful

There is a saying in old times that beauty is just only skin deep, but there are other factors as well who are related to you and your beauty like your beauty is related with positive, excellent and pleasing. It is because your skin beauty and appearance ...

21st September 2011

Cheap Makeup: How Far is Using Cheap Makeup Safe?

It is a well known fact that anything that is priced heavily is absolutely good and does not cause any side effects. The same holds good for makeup too. Therefore people are really hesitant to use cheap makeup. But, one needs to understand that it is a...

01st June 2011

Skin Beauty and Caring For It

The definition of skin beauty will vary person to person. For some, it could be an even tan while for others it could be a pale skin tone, and the only common factor seems to be the fact that people like to get what they do not have. This is why there are...

04th April 2011

Adopt the Best Quality Hair Replacement Technique to Provide a New Life to Your Hair

Hair is one aspect of human personality which needs utmost care from the person to add beautifully to their persona. However keeping the amount of pollution, dirt and dust in the environment and the various careless eating habits of people in mind, it is ...

25th January 2011

Permanent Skin Whitening

Have you ever longed for fairer, brighter skin? Strange isn't it? How some very fair ladies feel they look sickly and bask in the sun for a so called healthy tan. They were healthier pale than browned because a tan is a sign of sun damage. If you are born...

11th January 2011

someSkin Rejuvenation Tip for Youthful Skin Appearance

If you want to keep your youthful skin appearance, you need to know why your skin starts to change while you age. I have listed some of the most important things that affect skin appearance plus some of the methods to prevent your skin from aging too qui...

06th January 2011

Cheap Beauty Products Enhancing Beauty

Now a days cheap beauty products are making craze among its buyers and users. Women of all ages like them to use alot. This is the reason why consumption of cheap cosmetics have been enhanced in regular life. Men and women both like to use perfumes alot. ...

04th August 2010

Characteristics of pure skincare products

To me this question is a lot like smoking in the 1960's - when you talk to someone that was a smoker back then, they usually say "we didn't know it was bad for us." Maybe… but they suspected it was bad. I don't believe that it never crossed anyone's min...

19th July 2010

Facial Masks Great Way to Treat Skin

Facial masks are a great way to treat your skin once a week at home. You can find masks for every skin type with variety ofdifferent ingredients. There are mud masks to help your skin smooth and some that are specifically designed to help with acne proble...

06th July 2010

Laser Facial Vein Removal

Visible facial veins can be embarrassing and decrease confidence. Many women try to cover these up with make-up, while men tend to have less options of hiding facial veins. If this is a problem for you, try laser vein removal Brooklyn. Laser vein treat...

20th May 2010

Skin Beauty in 4 Simple Steps

Many women would like to have a few more skin beauty tips in their stockpile. After all, it is everyone's dream to appear younger by having healthy, radiant skin. Only a few are fortunate enough to have skin that requires little sustenance but remains bea...

26th February 2010

How to find the best natural cosmetics

It is usually said that cosmetics available in the market are not secure for human consumption. Of course, the cosmetics that people apply on their skin are consumed by them. 100 % removal of cosmetics is very rare and these are then consumed by humans vi...

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