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Articles, tagged with "marketing tool", page 1

24th October 2012

Call Centres are Reopening in Britain, Despite the Economy

The recession has seen countless businesses fold. Surprisingly, call centres / call centre companies have not been as badly affected by the economic downturn as one might think, mainly because of the savings many have made in relocating centres abroad. Ho...

20th December 2011

Tips to promote Plastic surgery website

In today’s world having an eye catching website is very important to get good customer for your business. And for getting prospective visitors you will have to do search engine marketing (SEM) and when it comes to get business related to plastic surgery t...

14th November 2011

Two popular methods of sending text online or Internet sms by using computer

We all are very aware about the messages and their importance in our day to day life. Use of messages has a very long history sand there are evidences that ancient people were sending messages for administrative purpose or for well being of loved ones and...

17th August 2011

Affordable Postcard Creation

Marketing is more than a great product and a cheap price. There are other factors at play when creating the perfect marketing program that will deliver to you the most sales and profits. From the design down to the font, everything has a role to play in e...

10th August 2011

Designing Postcards that are worth Every Penny

When was the last time you checked your marketing program? Perhaps you need to start looking at your materials today. They could be needing improvements and changes these days. With new marketing strategies cropping up each year, it’s important that you s...

22nd June 2011

How to make bulk sms work for your business

Many businesses of today are exploring the enormous opportunities that bulk sms offer them for marketing of their products and services. This particular type of marketing strategy works wonders for those who know how to make it work for their businesses. ...

31st May 2011

Quick Search On Free Divorce Records

Anyone who has experienced a divorce can confirm that the process can be costly and at times, even unpleasant, especially when there are children involved. In the state of Illinois, divorce documents and other records are handled and kept by the state dep...

29th May 2011

Business phone service: Ideal choice for a cost-effective business Productivity

Considering the competitive business market of today’s, virtually all companies involved in business marketing take resort to certain medium to outshine their brands and remain ahead of the rest in the market. Undoubtedly, customers are the king of any su...

27th May 2011

Unique Phone Numbers That Cost Less Then You Might Think

Since the cost of 1300 numbers are going down, a lot of Australian companies, from small start ups to big businesses, are getting connected to this valuable marketing tool. When a prospective client dials your 1300 number, the price for the call is equiva...

26th May 2011

800 Numbers - The Power of Toll Free Vanity Numbers

Business enterprises have come to recognize the imperative need to own a toll free number (800, 888, 877 and 866) to build more effective customer relationship. As the customers do not pay any charges when making a call, they will be motivated to call mor...

23rd May 2011

Phone Words Can Significantly Impact Your Business In A Good Way

These days, businesses that are steamrolling over their competition are doing so with 1800 phone words. Commonly known as vanity numbers in the United States, a word that is attached to a 1800 number offers you a powerful branding and marketing tool rolle...

17th May 2011

How To Make Phone Numbers Work For Your Business

In today's highly competitive business world, companies are able to survive when they get a 1800 number. Many corporations have found that using this marketing tool is a great way to keep old and new clients coming back for more. Since a caller is not ch...

17th May 2011

Choose the Right Cosmetic Packaging to Create Brand Awareness

A distinctive style based around unique packaging is key in gaining a customer’s attention. Cosmetic packaging has become more innovative as consumers continue to demand convenience and performance in their cosmetic purchases. Consumers today shop across ...

16th May 2011

What Are the Cheapest Promotional Items

Money is a key motivator for most businessmen. Every businessman knows that it takes the expenditure of money to make money. However, some people see using cheaper promotional items for marketing as the way of getting around this fact. One of the most...

04th May 2011

Promotional items as marketing tools

Promotional items come in many shapes and forms. Companies often use them at trade shows to get out the word of their services. Vendors give them away during corporate events as gifts. Recruiters often offer promotional items during job fairs. They are us...

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