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Articles, tagged with "plastic surgery", page 14

06th January 2010

Cosmetic and Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery has helped millions of people who have been burnt or met with an accident and return their beautiful skin to them. It is one of the best medical inventions that has not just helped people live their life normally but had also boost lost co...

22nd December 2009

Plastic Surgery - 7 Critical Questions You Must Get the Answers to Prior to Having Cosmetic Surgery

Plastic surgery, although often cosmetic in nature and done as an elected procedure, is still surgery. It is critical that you make the decision once you are well informed on all the facts regarding the procedure, the cosmetic surgeon, the facility and ho...

22nd December 2009

Otoplasty (Ear Surgery) - A Plastic Surgery Procedure

Otoplasty or ear surgery is a plastic surgery procedure that reshapes the ears. Protruding, large or misshapen ears can sometimes take away from our facial appearance and be a source of psychological stress even to children and adults of any age. Plas...

15th December 2009

Botox NJ Treatment Centers

What is Botox? Botox is neurotoxic Protein called botulinum toxin which is produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Initially the Botox was used to treat certain neurological disorders. Botox is used for treating of spasticity and muscle pain diso...

14th December 2009

Who Is an Ideal Candidate for Rhinoplasty (Nose Job)? - Plastic Surgery Information

Who is an ideal candidate for rhinoplasty, better known as a "nose job?" There are several factors that make up the ideal candidate for this plastic surgery procedure. But before going into what those factors may be, perhaps a couple of questions should b...

14th December 2009

The Thriving Effect of Cosmetic Surgery

There are numerous kinds of surgeries that come under cosmetic surgery. Science and technology has turned out to be so highly developed that it can now bring transformation to the body of the most magnificent creature shaped by Deity and that is t...

11th December 2009

The Budding Impact of Cosmetic Surgery

There are countless type of surgeries that come under cosmetic surgery. Science and technology has turned out to be so progressive that it can now bring alteration to the body of the most charming being produced by Deity and that is the human bein...

11th December 2009

Multiple Benefits of Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery focuses more in both reconstructive surgery and cosmetic surgery or aesthetic surgery rather than focusing only in reconstructive. Reconstructive surgery enables us to modify any irregularities in our body like scar or a ripped earlobe. Pl...

08th December 2009

Tummy Tuck: A Popular Option for a Firmer, More Toned Midsection

Losing a great deal of weight is always a good thing. You feel better about yourself, you look better, and you're ready to face the world and be happy. There's only one problem, however: those who lose a huge amount of weight may not have the tight, taut ...

08th December 2009

A Few Common Misconceptions about Facelift (Rhytidectomy Surgery)

Although the facelift, or rhytidectomy, is one of the most often performed plastic surgery procedures, there are some common misconceptions about this type of cosmetic surgery. Here are some of the most common misconceptions about facelifts. I shouldn'...

07th December 2009

Buffalo NY Plastic surgeon

When it comes to cosmetic surgery, who you going to call? Buffalo NY Plastic Surgeon! Beauty is only skin deep and inner beauty is what matters most. The saying might be accurate, but still, if there is an opportunity to gain physical beauty, we infr...

02nd December 2009

Popularity of Rhinoplasty in Beverly Hills

Plastic surgery has become quite common and socially acceptable. Rhinoplasty is one of the cosmetic surgeries that have had gained popularity among people. Though there are various places all over the world where rhinoplasty is carried out successfully, b...

27th November 2009

Look Attractive With Breast Enlargement Surgery!

Breast enlargement surgery is one of the most popular types of surgery. It is one of the most preferred types of surgery. Women are very much concerned about the size of their breasts. Some are worried about small size while some are worried about the big...

26th November 2009

What are the Best Wrinkle Treatments Available in the Market Today

By ray in Beauty
Wrinkles and more wrinkles: as we age, they sprout everywhere! They're in your eyes, around your lips, in your forehead, gee they just keeping sprouting in the mirror, everyday a new wrinkle and the old ones getting deeper. Its time to reach out for th...

26th November 2009

No One Likes Having Cellulite – Liposuction Can Solve It

Is there anything more hideous on our bodies than ugly cellulite? Often referred to as cottage cheese, cellulite is that nasty, bumpy looking fat most women get on their bodies after awhile. It is noticeable because of the fact it forms on the layer of fa...

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