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Articles, tagged with "molecular structure", page 1

30th May 2013

10 Fundamental Beauty Tips You May Not Realize But Should

Everybody wants to look their best. And the skin is the very first thing that people notice about you, so it must be cared for correctly. There are different skin types - dry, greasy, ordinary and combination. Each kind of skin requires special care. Howe...

09th June 2011

Skin fillers are used in various forms for over 25 years.

Skin fillers are used in various forms for over 25 years. Fat injection, which was taken from unwanted fat deposits in your body, is historically the oldest existing medium. Modern era began with the FDA approval of bovine collagen Zyderm or 1981. Zyderm ...

23rd March 2011

A true tummy firming cream will be formulated with high concentrations of natural vitamins

Let's face it. Having loose, drooping skin in the tummy area is a condition no one wants to experience. The facts are, however, if you've lost weight, gone through a pregnancy or you're getting older, the fibers of the skin can become weak, causing your s...

05th January 2011

4 Effective Tips In Keeping Skin Tight And Firm

We can't always enjoy firm and tight skin. As we get older, our integumentary system's ability to produce collagen and elastin dwindles. In addition to that, there are numerous external factors that speed up the deterioration of collagen fibers. Indeed, w...

05th January 2011

How To Make Your Anti Aging Regimen More Effective

Some anti aging products can only work for our skin to a certain extent. It will suddenly stop working. While it might be due to the ineffective ingredients incorporated in the product, do not be quick to rule out that it might be caused by improper usage...

05th January 2011

4 Tips That Can Make Your Skin Care Regimen More Effective

Most skin care products have been tried and tested. They generally produce favourable results. The way we use those products will also affect their efficacy. You can make your skin care regimen a lot more effective. Let me tell you a couple of tips th...

05th January 2011

Anti Aging Skin Care Routine Men Should Also Use

It is a pity that men do not always have a lot of choices when it comes to anti aging skin care products. They need it too. They are usually more drawn to outdoor activities. You can just imagine the external damages they can acquire when exposed to the s...

16th December 2010

4 Things To Consider Before Buying Anti Aging Creams

My idea of an ideal anti aging cream is one with collagen-regenerating benefits, sun screen and emollient properties that can mimic skin moisture. But finding this cream is like finding a needle in a haystack. It is almost impossible. But here is what...

16th December 2010

Keep Skin Moist And Dewy This Winter Season - Top 5 Tips That Can Help You Out

Isn't it nice to see snowflakes falling from the sky? To finally see the soil littered with snow is such a comforting thing. But one damper to this little miracle of nature is dry skin. A huge percentage of people experiences deep skin dryness during ...

16th December 2010

How To Have Firm And Resilient Skin When You Are In Your 40's

At the age of 40, many people are already seeing the visible signs of skin aging. Wrinkles, fine lines and age spots are just some of them. As we get older, the amount of collagen produced by the integumentary system dwindles. Keeping your skin firm a...

24th November 2010

Best Facial Moisturizer: The Natural and The Effective

The best facial moisturizer should contain natural ingredients that can make the skin look fresh and young. It should maintain the skin’s natural health and make sure that the skin is protected from harmful damages. These natural ingredients are from reso...

24th November 2010

Best Facial Cleansers: What Ingredients Should They Contain

The best facial cleansers should have natural ingredients that can help the skin to grow beautiful and healthy. You should always remember that staying natural means staying healthy. Natural ingredients will never cause any harm to your skin. They are all...

24th November 2010

Collagen Stimulants, Antioxidants, and Natural Oils

Our skin is aging and we have to do something about it. We should be equipped with the right skin care products that can actually maintain our skin’s health and beauty. It is best to preserve the youth of our skin and it is only possible when we get produ...

24th November 2010

100% Pure Skin Care: The Holistic and Overall Skin Approach That We Should Have

One of the best ways that we can prevent the skin problems from happening and forming is by using 100% pure skin care formulas that can help in bringing out the best skin that you can have. Skincare products have different formulas that differ depending o...

27th October 2010

Face Cleansing Cream: Natural Ways to Clean Your Face

You should be wise enough to know that soap is not the best solution to clean your face deeply. What you need is a good and reliable face cleansing cream. You may know that soap contains harsh and strong chemicals that can damage your delicate and sensit...

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