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Articles, tagged with "sweet foods", page 1

27th April 2012

Five Ways to Make a 6 Week Diet and Exercise Program Worthwhile

A weight loss regimen lasting just a week is more likely to be fantastic, but a 6 week diet and exercise program is realistic. A weight loss period of six weeks is safe, effective, and discipline-instilling. The first few weeks will be for the body to adj...

08th March 2011

Taking Note of Diet to Control Behaviors

Many young people of today are having problems when it comes to ADHD. They may be treated in a different way but the main focus is the cause and effects of behaviors. Experts have been promoting ways on how to control ADHD behavior through diet. An exampl...

11th February 2011

Eight kinds of the most insane beauty methods

In the quest for youthful beauty, no treatment is too outlandish. From the use of wild ingredients like bird poo and human placenta to plastic surgery for the nether regions, look back at some of the craziest lengths1 people went to for beauty in the ’00s...

10th November 2010

Eliminate Sugar Consumption For Losing Weight

By Lori in Diet
Millions of people are diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes. Plus, even more people are at an increased danger of getting Type 2 Diabetes. An ideal tactic to decrease an individual's chance for Diabetes happens to be decreasing or even totally eliminating food ...

30th April 2010

False Diet Solutions

People who desire to reduce fat in a few days suffer from making harmful mistakes. Most of such mistakes influence your metabolism or deteriorate your current bodily condition. The hurry to be thin in an instant isn't a smart attitude for any person who f...

24th March 2010

Easter - Traditional Customs and Calendar

In this very special year month of April, the entire world appears in full swing of the varied activities of Easter 2010. The holy Sunday on this April 4 year 2010 is on its way to wave down plentiful joy for you to lap it up. Now as the awaited date of t...

18th December 2009

Holiday Diet Tips and Healthy Ideas

We are now fast approaching Holiday Season as well as Christmas vacation. I know what you think when I say Holiday Season, it's about parties, celebrations, anniversaries and all the sweet foods you can imagine. But how about your holiday diet, Holiday fi...

07th December 2009

Low Carb Diet Nutrition

One of the easiest and most effective ways to lose weight is to go on a low carbohydrate diet. A low carbohydrate diet is a diet plan that limits the amount of carbohydrates you can consume, usually to below 20% of the caloric intake per day. In order to ...

16th September 2009

Rule Diet To Control Diabetes

By imran in Diet
Diabetes is an increasingly prevalent disease in modern times and has been dubbed an epidemic by the World Health Organization (WHO). Although it is still unknown why the disease has increased so much recently, it is known how the disease occurs. It is ca...

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