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Articles, tagged with "language translation", page 1

31st August 2012

Our obligation from the challenging world of Judicial Procedure throughout the globe

Being a translation Personally i have got face to face expertise of what it is to accomplish some sort of language translation of any Legitimate record. It is always a strong up-hill endeavor it doesn't matter how uncomplicated the particular file can see...

19th September 2011

Content Management Important for Web Designing Companies

Now days the process of content management has taken place of old designing and development methods of data and other information. Today it is in the form of electronic content on the web. With the change in the business methods it has also transformed it...

09th November 2010

Why is Website Translation Important?

The online arena is fast becoming the place to be for modern business, however there is a pertinent challenge with having a singular online presence, i.e. how do you reach customers or clients that do not speak your language? Well by choosing a high quali...

21st October 2010

Language translation used in opera

Last month, an audience was treated to a unique opera performance that involved language translation in its development. On August 27th, the Opra Cymru company presented a 90-minute version of a French creation, which its producers had transformed into...

15th October 2009

Not Lost in Business Translation Anymore

Understanding each other in a common language is an important aspect in human relationships since language promotes unity and coherence. There are over a hundred languages in the world today. Aside from those, each country has vernacular languages, to...

21st August 2009

Seven Factors to Consider - Translation

Translators have brought this world closer than it really is. They help people with different language backgrounds to understand each other and to be able to communicate. Whether it is two individuals talking different language or a business associates ac...

05th April 2009

How to Choose a Translation Service

Most businesses have recognized the need for language translation of company literature (online or manual) to build a broad customer base. They've also got plenty of options to consider before they decide on a translation company. There are basically thr...

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