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Articles, tagged with "marriage", page 11

09th December 2010

Can The Marriage Rescue Interviews Save Your Marriage?

If you faced marital problems and you didn’t know what to do, would you just give up? Statistics speak for themselves: 50% of marriages fail, and only 1 out of 5 couples stays together. Remember, these are just numbers, and there is a solution for y...

01st December 2010

Deciding Whether or Not to Divorce

Divorce represents both the emotional and legal dissolution of a marriage. But divorce is not just a decision – it’s a process that occurs over time. The reasons for divorce are many (see, Why I Got Divorced) but the process of divorce often follows a...

29th November 2010

Understanding parenting arrangements for children after divorce

By nature, divorce can be unpleasant. Add children to the mix and the situation becomes even more complex. It’s not surprising, therefore that shared care and the legal arrangements for children after a divorce can be tricky. The parenting arrangements ...

26th November 2010

Our Circles of Life

There are circles, or limits, in life that we must all follow. If we don't, there are repercussions that'll be paid by you, me, and those loved ones around us. May I explain what I mean by circles of life. Every life is a circle. Me and you and ever...

25th November 2010

Some Christian Views on Divorce

People often ask me whether I am going to marry again. Often they are surprised by my answer. I am not sure that most people like my answer, and yet answer I do as the Spirit of God leads me to. When people ask me why I am not going to marry again, I norm...

25th November 2010

The Metamorphosis From Caterpillar to Butterfly by Anthony Robbins

Metaphors can change the meaning you associate to anything, change what you link pain and pleasure to and transform your life as effectively as caterpillar transform to Butterfly. Become a metaphor detective. Whenever we hear someone using a metaphor that...

17th November 2010

Stop Your Divorce - 4 Powerful Steps To Stop Your Divorce And Save Your Marriage

One thing you should know is that it's never too late to put a stop to your divorce! A failed marriage is one of the worst experiences that a person can endure, and it can be mighty stressful. Studies show that more than 50% of all marriages will end in d...

08th November 2010

Necessary Steps to Consider When Choosing the Right Divorce Law Firm

Divorce takes place when the married couple is not functioning well. There are many reasons why couples want to separate and want a divorce. It can be from lack of mutual understanding between couples such as not working out their family issues and proble...

05th November 2010

The Particulars Of Divorce Law In Charlotte

The grounds for a divorce lawsuit in North Carolina include the spouse becoming involved in extramarital affairs and circumstances where the actions of a third party have led to a divorce or instability within the marriage. Alienation of affection and cri...

03rd November 2010

Can Divorce be a Positive?

We generally get a negative picture of divorce. We hear stories of broken families and broken hearts, of children devastated by the break up the parents, and of financial woe in the years following. Many people find divorce and its aftermath difficult but...

26th October 2010

Protecting Your Assets Before A Diviorce

As you and your spouse determine that a divorce is the only way to settle your conflict, you should immediately begin compiling documentation. A divorce is a very emotional time for a family, but for you to have equal division of assets, there should be ...

19th October 2010

Why Do Couples With Daughters Divorce More Than Couples With Sons?

Recently published statistics have shown that more couple’s divorce if they have girls than if they have boys. Parents with one girl are 5% more likely to divorce than parents with one boy, while parents with three girls are 10% more likely to divorce tha...

19th October 2010

Does Divorce Need To Have Conflict?

Unfortunately, more and more marriages are ending in divorce. With the divorce rate steadily climbing, it’s a wonder that anyone still gets married anymore. Sometimes relationships end amicably but most often they end in a heated war over who is to blame ...

13th October 2010

How to Find a Reputable Family Law Attorney in San Diego

In a family law case, your lawyer serves as your advocate. You may not possess the endurance and prudence to make rational choices during the legal process because you are emotionally vulnerable. Thus, it is vital that you carefully choose a family law at...

13th October 2010

How to Choose the Best San Diego Divorce Lawyer 

Divorce is definitely not a pleasant experience to go through. Aside from the emotional distress, your financial stability can also be affected as well as your family relationships. With all the burdens that divorce may bring, a person tends to be more vu...

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