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Articles, tagged with "fiscal year", page 1

17th August 2011

Advantages of Income tax e filing as well as the strategies to pay taxes via on the internet

By ross in Taxes
It's obvious that all of the men and women in this world would not wish to pay tax for their income, but, if a person attains a certain revenue level, the concerned person should necessarily pay the tax for the income they earned throughout that year as p...

23rd May 2011

Simplifying The Concept of Tax Planning

Everyone, who comes in the taxable community, has to make a plan for taking the advantages of tax relief. Not only this, tax planning also helps in making mistakes while filing tax returns. According to the financial experts, financial planning is a m...

07th March 2011

It’s Time for a Budget Surplus Again

By ye in Politics
Just to put this into perspective, our national debt stands at about $14 trillion. According to the national debt clock on brillingTo put this simply, the federal government spends more money than it takes in. That’s called a deficit. When you do th...

21st April 2010

The Legalities of Taxes

There are various situations that a person finds themselves in throughout their lives where they need to seek out the advice of a professional in a particular field. The legalities associated with certain taxes take on this distinction due to complex laws...

22nd December 2009

Is Your New Year's Resolution to Get a Divorce?

It is Christmas Eve and you are surrounded by family as you admire the ornaments on the tree and enjoy a warm beverage by the fireplace. You have left all of the crowds at the mall behind and, wrapped in brightly colored packages, you have the perfect pr...

25th September 2009

Renewable Energy Stocks (RES)-New Featured Renewable Energy Company Legend Investment Corp - New Featured Renewable Energy Company Legend Investment Corp, Focused on the Acquisition and Development of Solar Energy Companies Legend Investment Corp is building its presence in the solar arena through its upcoming purchase...

19th May 2009 Posts Exponential Growth

Newly established e-commerce site has defied the odds yet again, reporting exponential growth this past fiscal year. Driven by consumers looking to obtain the best price on modern furnishings, has grown 18-fold since last Ma...

27th March 2009

Because the IRS Doesn't Like Slackers - Ten Ways to Beat Small Business Tax Procrastination

Preparing taxes seems complicated but this guide to tax deductions will go a long way in clearing a lot of confusion and putting things in perspective. So if you are among those who procrastinate endlessly to prepare a tax return for your small business, ...

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