Author Details

Ron Finkelstein

Member Since: 20th March 2009
Occupation: Small Business Owner
No of Articles: 6
About Me: Learn how to claim tax deductions for mileage and other small business tax deductions that can save you tons of money.

Ron Finkelstein is NOT a Tax Attorney or an accountant. He is merely a small business owner who has paid a lot of money over the years to learn a whole lot about Taxes and Time Management. I hope you enjoyed learning these tax tips for the self-employed


15th April 2009

How To Decide Whether to Standardize or Itemize Your Tax Deductions?

Doing your taxes is time-consuming. There are a variety of choices on how to proceed. Taxes can be done online, or using a proprietary software package. Some taxpayers still use the old-fashioned method of pen and paper. Others prefer to hand the whole pr...

08th April 2009

Tax Benefits of Business Ownership

It doesn't matter how you do your taxes: with pencil and paper the old-fashioned way; with a high tech computer program to perform the calculations easily; or having an accountant or other tax professional fill in the blanks. Method isn't important, but k...

27th March 2009

Put the Fun Back in Tax ReFUNds

Taxes... Say that word and many people will start to groan when they hear it ...and with good reason. To begin with, paying annual taxes is usually a financial burden for most people. Each time you review your paycheck, you might feel cheated or abused, ...

27th March 2009

Because the IRS Doesn't Like Slackers - Ten Ways to Beat Small Business Tax Procrastination

Preparing taxes seems complicated but this guide to tax deductions will go a long way in clearing a lot of confusion and putting things in perspective. So if you are among those who procrastinate endlessly to prepare a tax return for your small business, ...

27th March 2009

Maximize Your Tax Breaks: Five Easy Tips

What's the difference between a taxidermist and a tax collector? Humorist Mark Twain says, "The taxidermist only takes your skin!" That's the opinion of many Americans. Indeed, ridiculously high tax bills seem prevalent. Thankfully, tax breaks give you le...

27th March 2009

3 Tips to Reduce Self-Employment Tax

It is easy to see why a self-employed individual would see the self-employment (SE) tax as unfair. While in an organization, that same employee would have to pay taxes amounting to roughly 7.65 percent. However, as a self-employed individual, those same f...