Surrogate Mother Cost,Surrogate Mother Cost India,Surrogate India Mumbai Delhi

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Surrogate Mother

If you would like to find out who is a surrogate mother and how become a surrogate with our program, we appreciate you looking at our site! A surrogate is a part of our family and enjoys many benefits, including

A Free Comprehensive Medical Evaluation

Outstanding Financial Compensation

Work With an Experienced, Caring Medical Staff to Support You Throughout the Pregnancy

The Incomparable Joy That Comes From Helping a Couple Have a Baby

Our program welcomes the application of a female if you end up deciding to become a surrogate with us. We will require a complete examination, and want to make sure you possess the selfless and giving nature that is so important to this process.

As the female chooses to become a surrogate mother, in addition to significant financial compensation, she also enjoys knowing that you have helped deserving parents achieve their dream of having a child.

Before we agree to help the female on you path, she is prepared to give us insight into every aspect of your life. We need to make sure you are truly ready, and would be a good fit. The following is a basic list of requirements:

In Good General Health

Gets Pregnant Easily

Has Carried at Least one Baby to Term

Good History of Healthy Pregnancy

Complication-Free Delivery

Clean Criminal Background

Pass Psychological Evaluation

Stable Financial and Living Situation

Supportive Family and Friends

At We Care Health Services' partner centres all potential surrogates are thoroughly pre-screened before being invited into our program; and we hope that you are one of the few that will make it through.

She is in Good General Health

First and foremost, it is important she is in good general health, and that she and her partner are free of any sexually transmitted diseases. Continued cigarette smoking, frequent alcohol consumption and, of course, any kind if illicit drug use, would all disqualify a surrogate from the program.

You Get Pregnancy Easily

It is also important to have a history of getting pregnant easily. Fertility cycles can be expensive, and it's important that when she is chosen she won't have any obstacles in your reproductive system that might make it difficult for a pregnancy to take hold.

She has Carried at Least One Baby to Term

Then we explore whether she has had any children of your own. We also prefer her children to be living in the home. Having undergone child birth for one of her own children, it is possible for her to understand what exactly is being asked of her.

She has a Good History of Healthy Pregnancy

Once we've established she can get pregnant easily, and she has gone through the process herself, her medical records related to those pregnancies are examined to make sure they were healthy and natural. We also want to make sure there were no extraordinary complications in the delivery process.

You Have a Clean Criminal Background

Select Surrogates also undergo a thorough background check. We do this to make sure there is no history of criminal activity, as well as to verify all the information we've been given is valid. If we find any disparity, we would likely disqualify any surrogate candidate.

She Pass the Psychological Evaluation

Once her background has been cleared, we provide her a psychological screening with a trained psychologist who specializes in surrogacy cases.

Her Financial and Living Situation is Stable

An important part of the pre-screening process includes an understanding of your living situation and financial status. It's important that you are economically stable and that your living situation is secure, for at least the length of the pregnancy. Instability can result in un-needed stress during pregnancy, and strenuous physical activity like moving, can also be troublesome. We also want to make sure you are making this sacrifice because you want to help a family to have a baby, and not because you are in dire financial straits.

She Has Supportive Family and Friends

Important too is your support system. Here there are a number of things to consider. Is she married? If so, is her spouse on board with the surrogacy? If not, chances are, we won't proceed. If she is single, do you have friends or family who are supportive of your decision?

If you are interested in knowing more on surrogacy, its procedure and cost in India Click here to submit your details. Our IVF and Surrogacy Manager will personally email you and call you to discuss the details.

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