Styling Products - Can it do More Harm than Good?

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Styling products such as heating tools or ironing tools, dry blowers, hot rolls, curlers, crimping etc will make you look gorgeous. But, if you continue using this, it will cause serious problems. Make use of it once in a while if not it will have serious repercussions. It will lead to the breakage of follicles, dry scalp, dry follicles, damages the root if proper hair care tips are not followed.

Tying your mane too tight, plaiting it tightly, using clips which pull your follicles will definitely cause more harm. This condition is known as traction alopecia, follicle damage due to pulling of mane. This would lead to scarring of scalp and gradually shedding of follicles. In addition to this, the chemical relaxers, perming agents can lead to swelling of your mane. It may even damage the roots if proper care is not taken while relaxing them. Usually, sodium hydroxide is used on very curly follicles to obtain desired results. This is the strongest of all the relaxers used and must be used leaving one or one and a half inch from the roots. This can avert the damage caused to the roots. It is essential to take care of the roots for further healthy growth.

Excessive use of shampoos can damage your mane. Do not wash them every day and deprive your follicles of its natural shine. It is essential to keep them clean but at the same time do not forget that they need moisture too. Conditioning your mane is important to keep it moisturised. Use the right shampoo and conditioners suitable for your follicles.

If they have got frizzy and unmanageable, do not pull them while brushing. You can use leave in conditioners to reduce the frizziness and then brush them easily. This will also keep them well nourished and moisturised.

Using a deep moisturizing treatment once a week will keep curls strong without going frizzy and a hot oil treatment once a month will add vitality and shine. Blotting the hair with paper towels to soak up excess water is a great way to dry without causing frizz and a wide-tooth comb is the best styling tool. Do not use blow dryers often, they will cause damage to your follicles and make it dry too.

It is easier to manage curly follicles and retain its shine and lustre. A good stylist will help you get better look of your natural mane. Ask them how best they can cut your follicles with out using any chemical products.

Vijay Koragappa Shetty, Expert Author, Platinum Status. Information on Female hair loss treatment: Female Hair Loss Treatment

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