Stress Relief

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When not at peace, the mind triggers biochemical reactions that cause disaster in the body. Stress is the starting point of disease. Stress can disturb the body's inner stability or equilibrium and leads to physical signs such as headaches, an upset stomach, high blood pressure, chest pain and sleep disorders. Investigation suggests that tension can bring about or aggravate certain conditions or diseases. Human ageing is directly connected to the kind of tension we face and how we conquer it. It can speed up, slow down, and even reverse ageing. While depression can destroy the immune system, rising in love can boost.

Of course, tension can also be helpful, keeping us attentive and ready to face risks. Stress helps athletes break record. It also helps us meet due dates, generate fresh ideas and, when required withstand physical risk. In fact a little anxiety before exam keeps a student attentive and focused. Though individuals can survive unusual levels of stress, if we are pushed too far, our stress responses turn on our own bodies and causes breakdown, both mental and physical. With increased amount of tension we are unable to concentrate, get puzzled, make silly errors, fall asleep after lunch, become irritable, find it hard to sleep at night , don't feel like getting up in the morning, fret more than normal and suffer from headaches. These are the signs that ring warning bell of damage we are causing to our body. Though tension affects all the parts of our body, some areas are more sensitive than others. The digestive zone is most easily affected, followed by the neurological and circulatory systems and muscles which gather some of the stress as well as toxins from metabolism. The mental outlook and wellbeing of an individual are also strongly affected by severe and constant stress. Stress may lead to depression and other psychological disorders.

That's why people turn to stimulants to help recover strength and control. Normally these include tea, coffee, soft drinks, chocolates, cigarettes, films, drugs, alcohol and sleeping pills. Instead of finding the main cause, we get addicted to these. So, even if the person is regular with exercise, is health conscious, eats at regular interval, and does not eat junk food….. he is more prone to diseases than a person who enjoys eating junk food and does not exercise, but knows how to manage stress. So, the next time you are facing a very stressful situation, tell yourself that if it continues it's going to play havoc on your health.

So, what's the solution? Have fun, do things that you enjoy and that help you relax. Express your feelings-emotions need regular venting. Suppressed emotions are building blocks of tension, ache and with time, ailment. Sleep well, learn a few relaxation skills. Physical exercise… this is one of the most excellent ways to feel good. Get your life spiritually aligned. Above all, learn to laugh at yourself. You can indulge yourself in sports too; socializing is the most excellent way to release yourself from stress. Whatever suits your standard of living, the main thing is your mind should be diverted from things that lead you to anxiety. Keep yourself busy. Let your mind rest, practice meditation. All this helps your to release tension and follow an easy and peaceful life.

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