Speak Out and Vote!

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Another election is upon us. The mid- term grades will be coming in and you get to be the teacher.

I am always amazed at the absence of interest and input from the North American public when it comes to our states policies and folks running for public office. The ones that will always speak the loudest are the ones who never vote nor take an interest until it is too late. Till they are waiting in line at the soup kitchen for their next meal. That is's when they'll talk the loudest. You'll hear them loud and clear then, after Election Day. After the election results are in.

It's kinda like the arm chair quarterback. You know the guy who never played a down in his life, but he has some money riding on the game. That is's when you hear him yell the loudest. Just when his wallet is taking a triumph, will you ever hear him speak out and vote his opinion . It's not based primarily on team spirit or on the awareness of the game, it's only on the cash coming or going out of his pocket....I guess it's truly a load more like politics than I thought.

This is what it's actually about. Election polls, political news, Republican Party, Democratic Party...this is what our forefathers died for. This is what makes the free democratic system we live in tick. If you do not believe that, then let me take you back to the Iranian election of 2009.

Thousands flooded the streets in protest to the contaminated victory, as some called it, of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. They called it the twitter election, because despite the attempts of the Iranian government to cover the eyes of the planet, everyone saw the murderings, and the brutality of its own people, by the Ahmadinejad regime, to silence the crys and sounds of freedom by his very own folk. They saw it on the videos and messages that folk were sending thru the social media giant, Twitter. We all saw it.

What if you lived there and you could not speak out? If you do not like what president Obama is doing, you are able to say so loud and clear. No one will kill you. Nobody will try and shoot you. You have got the right and that liberty to do so. A lot of places in the world don't . We don't have to that point yet, but look around my friend and smell the roses. We might be nearer to that than you think.

Some will say that what I am saying is radical and way out there. They said the same thing when people were passing the word around on deck that the Titanic was sinking. No one needed to believe it was going down or that it may happen. It probably did, and many individuals died.

We have the time to correct the ship. It's not to late for us. Good hard working US people need to take their stand now! Red, yellow, black or white. Arab, Jew, Polish, or Latino. Your votes talk loud and clear to those folks that are running for office. Trust me, you will not ever have a better time to chat to these people then you have right now. Election day is your day. You get to get up and be counted. You get to communicate up and they will listen, it is what makes our great country so different from everybody else. It's what our forefathers lived and died for. Read your history books.

Liberty is what we have that other countries would really like to have, and we fritter and waste it. We can beat or the weather is bad and we stay at home and don't utilise our freedom and right to vote.
In Iraq when those folks for the 1st time in thier lives were permitted to vote, they proudly held up their ink coloured fingers in the air so everyone could see. They cast their votes, despite that most of them were being shot at while leaving their houses to go to their presidential elections. Many suffered threats so as to shock them from taking part. How different it is over here.

Fear is used in those states, while complacency is employed in America. Lots of politicians don't want you to vote. Some feel that they stand a better chance of winning if you just stay at home. Some enormous massive elections have been won simply because tons of voters just stayed home and decided to leave the voting to some other person. Don't be like that.

If you are an American citizen than register to vote, and after you register, study your decisions. Look at every candidate. What does he stand for that you like? What does he stand for that you don't like? Study the offers. Be an educated voter. Open your eyes to what's going on around you and around America. This is your country!

No other country on the face of God's's green earth has the freedom's and rights that we do. Numerous men and women have paid the ultimate price so you can have the freedom to go out and cast your vote for the individual you select. Do not let them down. We are all depending on you.

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