Some Artistic Uses of Cable Ties

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Cable ties or zip ties are used to hold together wiring-we all know that. But what about getting creative and artistic with the same cable ties? It may seem unusual and strange at first but it is neither nor is it so difficult. If you are still in doubt and want to know how, you will have to read along as we endeavor to mention some of the very creative uses of CT.

In Trucks

Did you know that heavy-duty releasable cable ties can be used in trucks to hold anything from flat tires to cargo straps to the truck's flatbed? We bet you didn't. But this is what we call one of the creative uses of CT. This method would ensure safety on the way and prevent anything from falling on the way.

To Make Baskets

You might have seen and used baskets woven out of palm leaves and cane but did you ever give a thought to weaving baskets out of cable ties? We bet that your answer is no because the idea seems very unusual. It may even sound insane to do something so creative out o something so mundane. But some artists actually do it and do so beautifully and successfully. You can go online and check the images of how CT of various colors are used to weave exceptional baskets.

For Floral Arrangements

Are you interested in flower arrangements? If yes, then you must read this. In arranging flowers you may have often come across unruly bunches. Well, you can use cable ties to easily fix them in place. You can then put these bunches in beautiful vases. Just make sure that you do not tighten the CT so much so as to damage the stems of the flowers. Using this method, you can make your own very beautiful signature centre and side pieces.

To Measure Depths

Boatmen often complain that their spray-painted depth markers often get easily worn out making it difficult for them to measure depths while on voyage. Cable CT have the easy solution. You can attach various colored cable ties on the marker, each one indicating a particular depth. This is not only easy but very effective as CT are available in various colors and do net get worn out easily. Moreover, they are also heat-resistant and waterproof.

To Hold Christmas Lights

Releasable CT can be used to hold Christmas decorations in place on shrubberies, tress or even hedges. Since cable ties can withstand cold temperatures, they can effectively used out for outdoor arrangements as well. They will prevent your lights and other decorations from coming down. Moreover, you can easily remove them by opening the cable ties when the occasion is over.

So, you saw how CT can be used for many creative and artistic purposes. They make your life much easier and hassle-free. Moreover, they are a very cost-effective solution to many of your problems. These are not the only uses; there are hundreds of others. Be creative and discover some of your own unique ways of using cable ties.

Buy Cable Ties and Zip Ties Online at:

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