Six Tips on Framing Your Abstract Canvas Art

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When you choose a frame for your piece of abstract canvas art, do not just choose any frame. Select one that will fit your artwork best.

When you go to a gallery to buy abstract canvas art, you will find that some pieces are framed whilst others are not. It really depends upon the artist whether to frame his or her work or not, but it also depends upon you whether to frame the piece of abstract canvas art that you will be buying or not.

There are a number of advantages that framing can do to a painting. For one, the right frame can enhance the attractiveness of the abstract canvas artwork. For another, a frame can provide protection to the painting itself.

However, it has to be the right frame. Or else you may end up ruining the painting and minimising its visual appeal. How do you choose the right frame for your abstract canvas art? Here are six tips.

1. In selecting a frame for your painting, choose one that complements it. A complementing frame enhances the beauty of the painting and brings out its best features. A contrasting one, on the other hand, may work sometimes but may also steal the attention away from the painting.

2. Pick out the right materials for your framing your painting. Naturally, you would need acid-free matting and backings so that your artwork will remain protected through the years. Glass may also work, as long as it reflects UV rays that will cause your painting to fade, although it is rarely used for paintings on canvas.

3. Most of the time, we are tempted to coordinate the frame of our abstract canvas art with the kind of furniture with which we are grouping it. Whilst it may seem like the wise choice, it is best to avoid getting that done. You may end up moving your picture to another spot or replacing it with another. Thus, choose a frame that is neutral and will go with any kind of furniture.

4. Are you going to place your abstract canvas art grouped with other pieces of art? If this is the case, then you may want to frame your painting with something that will help it stand out on its own.

5. A piece of art is always the product of an artist's vision. To make sure that the framing of your choice matches the artist's vision, you can consult the artist who came up with the artwork that you bought and ask him or her the kind of frame would be best for the artwork.

6. If you cannot get in touch with the artist, then your next best recourse would be to contact the gallery from which you bought the painting and ask them for advice on how to frame it. Better yet, you can ask the gallery to have the painting framed for you.

Always remember that when you frame your abstract canvas art, the frame should serve as an extension of the artwork itself. It should be an aid by which the abstract canvas art piece will become more visually attractive, a joy to look at, and contributing to the unified whole of your interior decorating scheme.

Looking for more ideas on how to decorate your home with Abstract Canvas Art? Please visit

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