Signs of Infertility and Their Treatment Options

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Copyright (c) 2010 Chris Jones

Statistics show 85% of couples who engage in unprotected sex will conceive within 1 year. Of the other 15%, one half will conceive by natural means in the next 3 years.

So what happens to the other half? Ah, thes folks are putting up with the signs of infertility. It must be noted that there are no obvious symptoms with impaired fecundity except for the fact that you cannot seem to get pregnant by natural means. This, no matter how many sexual positions you have practiced, how many multivitamins you have taken and how many non-fertility specialist doctors you have consulted with.

When to See Your Doctor

Infertile men and women often provide for clues that they may be infertile such as both having hormonal problems - abnormal menstrual pain or period for women and abnormal changes in sexual function for men. However, beyond these superficial symptoms, there are signs of infertility that you must not disregard especially when you are trying to get pregnant under the following conditions:

You are more than 30 years old and you have not menstruated in 6 months. You have a history of painful or irregular menstruation cycles, repeated miscarriages, pelvic inflammatory disease, endometriosis and pelvic pain.

You have a history of prostate and testicular problems as well as sexual issues and a low sperm count.

If you fall into any one of these categories, then it is time to see a doctor. When necessary, you will be referred to a fertility specialist for further diagnosis as to the possible reasons and treatments for your type of infertility.

What the Treatment Options Are

It must be noted that there are causes and signs of infertility that cannot be corrected even by the most advanced medical techniques available.

However, you can still become pregnant with fertility treatments such as assisted reproductive technology.

Also, the treatment will depend on your age as a couple and as an individual man or woman, the length of time when the condition of infertility has been known to exist in you, and the causes for your infertility. Of course, personal preferences are also taken into account as ethical and moral issues are involved in most of these treatments.

Furthermore, treatment options can be categorized into three - for pairs of men and women, for only men and for only women according to who has what condition from the signs of infertility. As a couple, you will be advised to engage in more sexual intercourse of at least 2-3 times per week. Knowing your fertility cycle also helps in this regard.

For the men, treatments for infertility consist of dealing with the matters of typical sex problems like premature ejaculation and impotence using behavioral therapy as well as medications. When the problem centers on lack of sperm, surgery and hormonal therapy are the preferred course of actions.

For women, fertility drugs and surgery are often the better options. For both men and women, lifestyle changes such as the adoption of a healthy diet with the right multivitamin supplements, moderate exercise, good stress management and avoidance of toxic substances are also highly recommended, if not strictly provided.

Regardless of the signs of infertility observed, you should seek medical care if you desire to conceive. This way, you enlist the help of medical science to help Mother Nature hurry up with conception.


Chris D Jones is committed to maximizing the health of others through medical research. Read more about 'signs of infertility' and related topics at:

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