Shine in the professional photo shoots

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Whether it's for a bridal photos, senior pictures, or family pictures, one will most likely have to be a part of a photo shoot at some point. Many people don't like to be photographed because the results are never quite what we would like. And then you're stuck with a bad photo for years.

For model photo shoots may be for modeling clothes as catwalk shows are, but they may also be for beauty products, hair products, makeup or many other commodities, and you must be adaptable and able to move between genres and present anything you are asked to model well. Although there is more time available for hair and makeup to develop a specific look, you must still be able to experiment with a wide variety of looks.

Most people know how to apply makeup for everyday use, but when it comes to applying beauty products to look good in photography or for Model shoots there is a little more work involved.

• Good Base Coat: A good base foundation is essential. There are foundations out there that are especially made for photography shoots. One of the best ones at a reasonable price is Revlon Photo ready foundation. This has a HD included which reflects of the camera light.

• Applying Concealer: Next step is concealer, this is very important for hiding those under eye circles, scars, and color imperfections. The concealer you use will need to be 2-3 shades lighter than your skin tone. Most skin types need extra concealer for different tones of skin

• Applying Blusher: It should be applied heavier than usual; you want this to be precise. Not too heavy that it shows up too strongly on your photos. Blusher should be swept across the cheek bone.

• Eye makeup: Eyes need to be really worked on; good eye makeup will draw you into the picture. When using eye makeup, start at the outer line and work your way towards the inner part. Go across about ¾ of the way; give this a couple of coatings as this will line and bring out the eye.

• Lip Color: Lip shades should be one shade darker than your normal lip color, make sure you match your lipstick with your lip pencil. There's nothing more odd looking than a line of lip liner on the lips with no lipstick or a different shade of lipstick.

Another important aspect to keep in mind is that one should avoid plain black or white clothing colors, as they may cause lighting trouble. Wearing these colors may result in contrast problems with finished prints even if a professional photographer is able to work with these extremities of contrast.

One should also avoid wearing distracting accessories. If you have pierced ears, you should wear studs or small hoops. No matter how much you adore your gold necklace, remember it will take the focus away from your beautiful face.

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