Sequence Hair Information

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The safest, healthiest way to increase your hair volume and or length while encouraging your own hair to grow freely for women and men.

The only one solution for any hair situation, condition or disorder which also utilizes all of your existing hair while leaving your scalp and hair open to breathe freely.

Run your fingers, a brush and a comb directly down to your scalp and feel as if nothing is there but your own hair. Living with full confidence that your hair always looks complete natural, so you'll never think or worry about your hair anymore.

Introducing...the Blending Strand®. 21 years of development to perfect the one innovation this is the solution to any hair concern and or improvement. Sequencing® is the only method that uses the exclusive Blending Strand®.

The only option that leaves all of your own hair alone, without covering and or taking any of your own hair. Increasing your hair volume to any degree, no matter how little or extreme, no matter just adding length to existing healthy hair, to any degree of thinness to any balding degree. There is literally no hair situation that can not be solved using the innovation of the Blending Strand®.

The only creation capable of filling in natural hairlines by following the natural flow and movement of a real hairline without covering any existing hair. Sequencing® will also enable anyone to reduce or eliminate the need to color and or perm your hair, reducing chemical usage. You will also have the ability of creating any degree of highlighting without using any chemicals.

All of this is only possible due to the Blending Strand®innovation. When placing the Blending Strands® in between your existing hairs or onto your scalp or bald area the Blending Strands® dissolves or fades away as if nothing is there at all. With single individual human hairs feed onto these transparent Blending Strands® your new hairs seem to be growing directly out of your scalp. An incredible feeling!

There are only three categories or methods of adding hair despite hundreds of brand names and methods promoted and applied to millions of people.

Hair extensions and hair weaves both need the wearer to have a sufficient amount of their own hair to sew or bond onto for attachment. Styling restrictions are common due to hair being added in sections alone with a bumpy feel.

Hair systems are only for severe hair loss conditions Your existing thinning hair is either covered or cut off to apply these hair systems, therefore causing addition and faster hair loss. Plus no one wants to cover or remove any of their own existing hair to add more hair.

Transplants cut out sections of the back of your scalp, the donor area, and transplant to the balding areas. Even though the transplanted areas look natural, the donor area does not grow back therefore becomes thinner itself. More importantly there is seldom enough of donor area to fill in enough of thinning or balding areas therefore the human head is never and far from being completely fill in.

Now you can eliminate the need of any hair extension, weaves, hair systems or transplants. Sequencing® with its Blending Strand®innovation is causing all of these other methods or categories to become obsolete! The ONE category that can solve any hair situation. One method solving any and all hair situations!

Anyone that has experienced Sequencing® or a FREE demo of Sequencing® all totally agree that any and all other methods will become obsolete when compared to the innovation of the Blending Strand®.

Sequence was founded in 1989 by Dino Dondiego, who is also the inventor of the Blending Strand®. Sequence®with its founder opened its doors with the belief of providing freedom of life through the enjoyment of your hair. Dondiego also being a Sequence® client connects with the personal touch of what is needed.

"To increase hair volume and or length as if nothing is there but your own hair", this being Dondiego's obsession caused him to invent the Blending Strand®.

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Anthony Sages
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