Secrets to Repaint a Photograph Frame

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If you’re looking for information on repainting a image frame, then pull a chair and get comfy because this is the text you’ve been searching for. We’re going to talk about several painting procedures that will help you get interesting picture frame ideas. After reading this article you’ll be ready to repaint a photograph frame in just a few simple steps.

The most instinctive painting technique is just painting over. Dressing the old color with a fresh new one. Don’t paint just a color; try painting a pattern or several colors. If you have a white picture frame repainting it will be much easier and much faster. If you want to fit the color of your frame with the walls or the carpets the difficult part would be to find similar shade of paint. Some people like to repaint picture frames in white. A white picture frame is well fitted for the bathroom or the kitchen.

A great repainting technique is coated painting. Apply a thin layer of color over the initial color to get a new color. For example if you have a blue photo frame just paint a fine layer of yellow through and you’ll obtain a green photograph frame. Green is an additive color, so this technique is perfect for additive colors. You can also paint a yellow frame with red and turn it to orange or coat a red frame with blue and turn it to purple. However any combination of colors can be used; it's not a technique only for additive colors. You can paint a silver coat over a black frame if you want something more or less unique.

Another artistic repainting procedure is about how to make a picture frame look textured. The method consists of adding texture to the frame by speckling. For those of you who don’t know the term, speckling means putting on paint in small dots, thus making a texture effect. For this method you’re going to require a hard paintbrush and keep off the common soft brushes. Speckling is easy and quick, but it’s random and messy, so be sure you part the frame’s glass and all the other components so you don’t ruin them accidentally.

Some of the best picture frame ideas show up when you’re already in the process of painting the frame. For instance while you’re painting some more colors, you remember you have several tiny red buttons that would fit pretty good on the frame. You instantly search for them, and you hurry to glue them promptly. Adding bitty things to your repainted frame is really chic. You can likewise add jewelry, cloths and beads.

Check out all these techniques and discover which of them works for you. You’re now prepared to turn all your picture frame ideas into really artistic efforts and it’s also the best way to show to anyone how to make a picture frame look nice.

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