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As technology continues to grow into a larger part of out children's lives, pediatricians are seeing more and more young patients for repetitive stress injuries. Encountering these types of complications at such an early age in development can lead to much bigger problems down the road. Here are a few precautions for parents to take to ensure their kids computer or gaming habits don't lead to health issues.

1. Have Children take 10-15 minute breaks for every hour they are on the computer or playing video games. Spend that time stretching, running around, doing jumping jacks, or engaging in some other form of physical activity.
2. Encourage correct posture with children by teaching them to sit up straight, with the T.V. Or computer screen at eye level.
3. Have children stretch their arms and fingers before starting. As with any physical exercise, problems occur when you just jump into it without warming up.
4. Teach children proper typing techniques. Encourage this from a young age. Not only does it help avoid stress injuries, but it will be a skill they use the rest of their lives.

5. Encourage children to use different hand positions on their controller when playing video games.

While technology for kids isn't going away, it should not replace traditional childhood play. Technology is an excellent additive to children's lives only when used in moderation. If you've got a little technology junkie in your house, you'll need to find ways to encourage him (or her) in other avenues of play. Make sure the ratio of technology time to play time is at least 50/50. If your child complains of hand, wrist, or neck pain, treat it seriously. The longer it is ignored, the worse it will get and if not addressed, the issue can lead to lasting conditions.

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