Respect The Artist – Purchase Music Online

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Who among us does not like to listen to a song every now and then? But how many of us are willing to pay money in order to listen to our favorite album? According to the statistics, not many as the rate of piracy went sky-high in the last few years causing great losses to artists, producers and everyone else involved in the music industry. Many of the artists especially from countries that are not known for being wealthy only make a living from concerts because the album sales figures are very low.

The main reason why purchasing albums is not what it used to be in the past is of course, piracy. Many torrent-like sites have appeared in the last few years (one of the most important disadvantages of the fulminating Internet development) becoming very popular among so-called music fans. We named them "so-called" because if they truly were fans they would respect the author behind the song and purchase the album. Piracy simply put is stealing, there is no doubt about this statement but the police in many countries do not seem to care about this growing negative phenomenon. However, some shy actions have been taken in order to combat piracy - a few ads on TV, they have closed down a couple of sites but that is it, nothing remarkable.

Artists have only one way to diminish piracy - convince fans to purchase music through online music stores. There are many reasons why people should turn their heads to these websites because the advantages they offer are worth considering, we will name just a few to get your attention:

1. Low prices for songs and discounts when purchasing full albums;
2. Bonuses, gift cards, vouchers and other similar promotions available;
3. Previews to all the songs available so the client will know what he gets for the money invested;
4. Daily update of the online music database along with a monthly newsletter of the hottest songs;
5. Secure payment (credit cards, PayPal and other similar reliable methods);
6. Fast and easy music transfer plus high quality mp3 format for all songs;
7. Wide variety of music available covering all genres and the most important worldwide charts;
8. Deposit bonus + monthly subscription method available;
9. Easy accessibility;
10. Last but not least, by legally purchasing music we respect all the people behind a song/album.

Digital music is the future because only this method can offer a strong opposition to piracy. If more and more people will begin to use this modern way to purchase music, the revenues of the artists will get to a fair level thus encouraging them to produce other songs and albums to the delight of the true fans that are willing to spend a few dollars for their audio delight. Another major advantage that we almost omitted is that you do not have to buy an entire album for just one or two songs that you like. Who among us has not heard a song they we grew fond of but not worth spending the price for an entire album? Now we have the possibility to purchase just the songs that we like and save the rest of the money for other songs.

All in all, digital music offers a lot of advantages at a more than affordable price that is why more and more people from all over the world are considering this method the best way to respect the work of the artist.

Summary: The article reviews the growing popularity of legally purchasing digital music.

About Author: Youri is the manager of where music fans will have the possibility to legally buy cheap music online for fair prices.

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