Reprogram Your Brain And Acheive Your Full Potential

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It is stated we use much less than 10% of the potential of our brains throughout everyday life. Even the most gifted amongst us barely use more than this. Imagine what our lives and our world would be like if we were able to boost our mental capacity by just a few %. It is often claimed that as a species we use less than 10% of our brain power, Perhaps we're only a fraction of the race we will develop into one day, and it is hard to imagine that if we merely use 10% of our potential brain power now what we'd be like and able to do if we used just 20-30% even.

The brain is a vast network of neuro pathways in which a large number of messages are delivered every second. Because of it's complex structure no two people are alike, and over the course of our lives our minds grow and develop, pick up patterns of thinking which become normal to us, and even help us to do a lot of tasks on auto-pilot. Our mind is a massive physical structure of neuro-pathways that are used constantly to send 1000s of messages to all regions of our bodies. As we progress through life it stores many of the tasks we do every day so we can carry them out almost effortlessly. In the same way we also store patterns of thinking and self beliefs.

Our brains are unique, all of us is different, and as we grow and learn things we all progress slightly differently. We are all different, and perhaps some of us receive positive reinforcement in school and go on to do well academically. Others go on to excel in sports - along the way developing the proper mindset and patterns of thinking required for sports success.

Others may unfortunately receive negative feedback - being told they are no good at something, or that they won't ever be successful in a certain area. This causes a negative reaction in our brains. Some neuro pathways close down and others open up, but essentially we limit our own potential. This is a form of self protection by our brains - it stops you from experiencing the rejection and criticism again, and this is normal, but unfortunately it often limits us too..

As we grow into adults these patterns of behavior and self beliefs become a firm portion of our personality, of who we are, and in the end they holdd us back and actually stop us from reaching our full potential. However, you can break these habits and ways of thinking if you desperately want to.

So, How?

This is where subliminal audio comes in useful. Subliminals target your negative beliefs, progressively break them down, and replace them for positive ones. Because they access your unconscious mind they can make changes where other regular methods of development fall short, and without you being conscious of them the subliminal messages gradually rewire your mind for the better.

Imagine if you were not hindered by negative self beliefs, if you were blessed with a natural abundance of self confidence, just picture how much more you would get out of life.

All this and much more is achievable - you can use subliminal messaging to rewire your brain and shape your life in lots of different ways, and if you are new to this then why don't you start today for free:

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