Remy Clip Extensions

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Have you ever found it hard to decide on whether to cut your hair or grow it long? We’ve probably all faced the dilemma of wanting that shorter haircut but at the same time fancying the idea of long swishy locks. Or maybe you like your new, classy bob but do miss your long hair? A good idea is to give yourself the option to choose between different hair lengths to suit your mood by wearing hair extensions. Hair extensions give you the choice of having long hair, without the hassle of growing it. Trying to grow your hair does take a lot of patience and once it has finally reached your desired length, it often doesn’t look as radiant and luscious as you hoped. Ragged ends and a thin, dried out texture are common occurrences with natural long hair.

Clip in Hair extensions give you the opportunity to add length to your hair at will, without damaging your existing hair. They can be worn with medium short hair, so long as your real hair covers the nape of your neck. Good quality extensions blend perfectly into your hair, and look natural and healthy. Clip in extensions are better for your natural hair than glue based extensions, as these can often have a bad effect on your skin, and existing hair.

When looking for hair extensions you can choose between buying cheaper synthetic hair, or the more expensive but very real and natural looking, real human hair . Some of the best quality clip in hair extensions are made of Remy human hair. Remy human hair still retains the hair cuticle layer. This is the layer that covers the hair shaft, is made up of tiny ‘scales’ when hair is healthy the cuticles lie flat, but drier hair is caused by cuticles which flake. These cuticles lie in the direction that the hair falls and help to create a beautiful natural shape to your hair. Remy human hair extensions hang very naturally from your scalp and blend beautifully with your real hair. They are also less prone to breakage and damage.

Remy clip in hair extensions are available in a number of different shades, lengths and styles. Curly and wavy hair is available as well as the more popular straight hair. Remy hair can be styled just like your real hair, using heated curlers or straighteners. With Remy clip in extensions, you can instantly give yourself beautiful, real hair.

Natalie Eastaugh is the Internet Marketing Specialist for
If you wish to find out more on Remy clip extensions as well as information about Forever Long , go to

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