Reduction of Coral Reefs then islands will be the sea

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Global Warming which is happening at this time not only threaten human life on the surface of land but also threaten coral reef ecosystems under the sea. El Nino events in the year 1997-1998, the surface temperature of sea water rose suddenly, causing the occurrence of mass coral bleaching and death about 16% coral reefs in the world. Most of them are coral reefs that have aged about hundreds or even thousands of years. On the other hand, increase of earth temperature 1 - 30 degree Celsius also causing on the rise of water surface of the sea that threatens some islands sinking in Indonesia in the period 100 - 200 years.

Outside the regular session, the International Coral Reef Symposium (ICRS) IX at Bali in the years 2000 discuss about Global Warming. This phenomenon is certainly real, not only a fantasy of the scientist. The air temperature recording in some places in Indonesia are convincing it.

Coral reefs can reduce the impact of global warming, coral Reefs in the good conditions have a wide function like split waves and reduce erosion and the reserve limestone deposition that contains carbon. These also can be functioning to reduce carbon to the atmosphere, therefore is able to reduce the impact damage on the ozone.

However, reduction of calcium on coral reefs with the bad condition caused decreasing the surface of coral reefs. As the result the sea waves is not able to split again by the coral reefs which located far below the sea surface. Soon or later, the attack of sea waves erodes land into the sea.

One of effort facing the threat of global warming is to maintain and preserve coral reefs. Imam Bachtiar, one of the observers from the University of Mataram are often reminded, "If you do not maintain the coral reefs in your coastal area, your grandchildren can not inherit the land and your house now, because 100 years will be the sea."

Will we silence until this is really happening?

Kinds coral reefs are home and a source of food for many kinds of organism under the sea. The observers of environmental announce some ideas, ideas and suggestions for the discretion of authorities to maintain the condition of coral reefs in order to work properly. One of invitation is to participating in Friends Of the Reef (FOR) at several locations in Asia Pacific. The main mission of FOR is to produce a strategy to increase durability (resistance), and springy power (resilience) so that is able to facing the threat of global warming.



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