Red Alert - Online OSHA Safety Training Speaks Out About USA Infrastructure Score of D

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A red alert is a mere sprinkling, of the call out, for the entire nation, that we Americans deserve better than a score of “D” which is what we have received and rightfully so, from a certified third-party infrastructure, globally respected, watchdog group.

Mass Transit Bill

What must be passed, and passed immediately, regardless of the trillion-dollar national debt issue, is the much-needed extension of the Mass Transit Bill. Online OSHA Safety Training is vitally aware of the inherent dangers of allowing the nations infrastructure to remain in its decrepit, crumbling state.

Crumbling Columbus Infrastructure

As a superpower and still the number one ranked, across the board, nation, in the world, we as Americans can no longer sit back and hear the US House of Representatives argue back and forth, about spending money on our infrastructure. We deserve the lowly graded score of “D” and only have to walk under any bridge, in one of the largest metropolitan cities, such as Columbus, Ohio, and see the deterioration of 60 years of rust and non-maintenance.

House Resolution 662

It is time to pass House Resolution 662 and get America working again and save our nations weakened infrastructure. The Highway and Mass Transit Bill will provide federal dollars for states that want and need to put 12-15% of the unemployed workforce, back to work on high-speed rails and bridge and mass transit construction.

Infrastructure Rebuilding Needed Now!

Transportation is key for a nation as large as the United States, and as an OSHA safety training provider, and a leading one at that, we need to focus on the infrastructure issue, and do so in a way that has not been seen, since the years following the Great Depression. Americans need to be working and what better environment to do so then in the rebuilding and creation of our very own infrastructure?

Online OSHA Safety Training

Please visit our site at onlineoshasafetytraining and see what we have to offer, in terms of safety training courses, as well as a library of relevant, OSHA issues, that are there for your education and workplace enlightenment.

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About Author:

Senior Vice President Scott Johnson

Scott Johnson, co-founder of Online OSHA Safety Training, guides the flow of the site as well as the employees that make up this spectacular safety training resource. Scott also makes certain that everything is in order, both online and in the real world. Scott has also been awarded with multiple accomplishments in his years as a teacher.

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