Recycling Household Items

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Recycling is a great way to reuse old items. It helps the environment and helps a person save money as well. Here are some ways to reuse common household items.


Plastic shopping bags are one thing that can be recycled. If a person folds the corners in then folds it into a long strip it can be used as knitting yarn. People can make a whole new bag out of these old shopping bags. Another use for old shopping bags is to turn them into a kid’s craft. They can be attached to kid’s army men by string and used as parachutes.


DVDs can be use to make mosaic art pieces. You can do this by breaking the DVD into different pieces and gluing the pieces onto the surfaces of tables. This can make old furniture look new again. You can even paint the pieces different colors.


Metal soup cans, can be used to make a pen holder. You can do this by wrapping different colored construction paper around the can to cover it completely, then gluing or taping it onto the can. Then you can cut out designs such as flowers out of construction paper and tape or glue them onto the can with the construction paper already on it.


Milk jugs can also be recycled and turned into something brand new. By cutting a hole in the side of the milk jug, attaching a string to the top, and adding bird seed, it can be used as a bird feeder. You can even paint the milk jug to make it look extra stylish. Juice containers can also be used as bird feeders by doing the same thing to them.


Old sheets can be used for many different things. They can be cut up and used as fancy napkins. By embroidering the name of your family on them they can look extra special. They can also be used as fabric to patch up holes in jeans. Another use for old sheets is to make them into a ghost costume for Halloween by cutting two eye holes in them. Your children will love wearing their new homemade costume out for everyone to see.


Something as simple as candy wrappers can also be recycled to make new things. Start by cutting the candy wrappers at the seams. You will need plenty of candy wrappers for this project. Taking a needle and thread you can sew the candy wrappers together to make a bag. Then you can use half a candy wrapper to make a long strip for the handles.


Juice pouches can also be recycled and made into bags and purses. By cutting the juice pouches down the sides and sewing many of them together you can make a purse. Use only half a juice box to make a piece of the handle and continue sewing the pieces together to make the whole handle. You can add fake fur to the top of the purse to make it look even more stylish.


There are so many different things that can be made out of recycled items. These items are all everyday items that can be found around your house that many people would otherwise throw away. By turning these items into other items you not only save yourself some money but you also help the environment.


Top 3 Recyclable matrials;

Alumimium, Steel, Paper.

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