Recent Hype and Publicity around One of the Season 14 South Park Episodes

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The Hype was created when an episode (200) of Season 14 South Park was followed by a warning. The website for the association Revolution Muslim, New York-based essential Muslim association, posted the entry that comprised a warning to the creators Stone and Parker who were alleged of wrong depictions of Muhammad.

Many speculated that they "would probably wind up as Theo van Gogh airing this show." Film creator Theo van Gogh was murdered by Islamic extremist in the year 2004 to make a short documentary on aggression against women in a few Islamic civilizations. The posting offered the addresses to Comedy Central in NY and Production Company in LA. The writer of the post, Abu Talhah al Amrikee said that it was destined to serve up as the warning to Parker & Stone, not a danger, and that giving the addresses was intended to provide the people the chance to protest. The entry comprised audio clips of sermon by fundamental preacher Anwar al-Awlaki. It also comprised a link to 2009 Huffington that gave the details of Stone & Parker's mansion in Colorado, and pictures of Ayaan Hirsi Ali, an activist critic and writer of Islam who resides in permanent safety protection because of threats. Comedy Central refused to state on the post.

Regardless of al-Amrikee's claims that the website entry was a caution, a number of media outlets as well as spectators interpreted it as a risk. Ayaan Hirsi Ali released claims that the website entry was just a warning, calling it "an attack on the liberty of expression" that must not be marginalized or ignored. She assumed of South Park episodes of last weekend wasn't only funny, it was witty. It addressed a necessary piece in times that we are surviving. There is a group of the people, one belief that is asserting to be above disapproval." NY City Police Commissioner Raymond Kelly believed he was conscious of the website posting, but alleged, "We do not think that this risk, as is presently assessed, increases to an offense right now.

The Dutch edition of Comedy Central started airing commercials for "200" week of 26 April, with the show planned to air on 30th April. Though, "Tale of Scrotie Mc Boogerballs" was revealed as a substitute. While asked on this, a representative for the Comedy Central Netherlands assumed they had unwillingly chosen the episode for being pulled, with the episode "201".

Michael is a Muslim Revolution Project writer, who runs the website Watch South Park where he offers free subscription to his South Park Episodes Free E-course .More Details about Michael or Islamic civilizations related contents Visit

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